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Kristian Bjørnard edited this page Aug 23, 2014 · 1 revision

The text and images that make up the site’s content all live in a folder currently on Dropbox shared with Kristian — rwdf-site-content.

Any text document (either .txt or .md) that appears in this folder directly corresponds to a text area on the website itself.

Things edited and saved, once synced, should show up on the site within an hour, though sometimes it has been taking almost a day.‡ If you do not notice that some change has made it to the site, email Kristian ([email protected]) and let him know what you edited so he can try and track down why there might be a problem.

‡ Kristian is working on an upgrade to how this works, so we can resolve the problem that Taylor sometimes experienced where there was too much delay in the content updating.

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