The QuickStart Guide (PDF) provides a overview of our software and its use
The Data Access Tutorials show how to use various software clients to access data using the DAP web API.
Many institutions now require that you (or more accurately, your software client) must authenticate before access to data will be permitted. This is notably true for all NASA assets: Authentication is required for data access.
The Hyrax Installation and Configuration Guide (PDF) provides information about the Hyrax Data Server. In this guide you will find a description of the server’s featrues and all of its configuration parameters. Also described in teh guide are other web services that Hyrax provides, including WMS and WCS.
The libdap library documentation provides reference information for our implementation of DAP2 and DAP4.
The Back End Server (BES) is the modular framework used to build the data access and manipulation layer of the Hyrax data server.
Quick note about coverting to CommonMark Markdown from AsciiDoc.
To convert to CM from adoc, use 'asciidoctor' and 'pandoc' like this:
asciidoctor -b docbook5 -o quick_start_hack QuickStart.adoc pandoc -f docbook -t commonmark -o quick_start_hack
The site is populated with HTML and PDF documents that are automatically built any time an AsciiDoc file in the documentation repo is updated on the master branch.
This page comes from the repository, but it contains links to other pages from other OPeNDAP github documentation repositories (e.g., hyrax\_guide). To add new documention from a new repo, first arrange to publish its content via gh-pages and and then link those pages here. See the repo and the entry above for Master_Hyrax_Guide.html/pdf for an example.
See Convert AsciiDoc to HTML/PDF & publish to GitHub Pages with Travis CI and Asciidoctor Docker containers for the low-down on how the automatic updates work.
Another take on the same sort of process - updating gh-pages from a .travis.yml file - that does not use asciidoctor: Automatically Update GitHub Pages with Travis.