This module provides the Spotbox entity with all required UI to create/update/remove spotboxes in Drupal. Additionally, module provides preconfigured paragraphs for spotboxes to add them as reference in OS2Web pagebuilder module or others where paragraph is used as entity reference.
Spotboxes are available in different types. Depends on chosen type proper set of fields are shown for storing the spotbox information.
Module does not provide theme for spotboxes design. It should be implementer separately.
- Module is available to download via composer.
composer require os2web/os2web_spotbox drush en os2web_spotbox
- After module has been enabled you call manage Spotbox entities by path
Updating process for OS2Web Spotbox module is similar to usual composer package. Use Composer's built-in command for listing packages that have updates available:
composer outdated os2web/os2web_spotbox
Project is opened for new features and os course bugfixes. If you have any suggestion, or you found a bug in project, you are very welcome to create an issue in github repository issue tracker. For issue description there is expected that you will provide clear and sufficient information about your feature request or bug report.