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This repository was archived by the owner on Oct 20, 2021. It is now read-only.


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ROS packages for Maritime RobotX Challenge 2018. This packages include Simulation,Remote Viewer, Control System, etc...

master develop
Build Status Build Status


1. Create catkinized workspace.

2. Clone this repository.

$ cd <catkin_ws>/src
$ git clone

3. Download depended packages by rosdep.

$ cd <catkin_ws>
$ rosdep install -i -r -y --from-paths src --rosdistro kinetic

4. Build packages, and set the path for the packages.

$ cd <catkin_ws>
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash

how to launch


roslaunch robotx_gazebo robotx_gazebo.launch

branch model


branch for competitions (all nodes should be work completely)


branch for development (include under developing nodes)


branch for developing each feature


branch for fixing each bug

/devel/feature/(feature_name) and /devel/fix/(bug_name) feature branch merged to /master branch