An R package for add non-overlapping labels onto existing R plot
Package can be directly installed into R using:
Once installed test it out with the following code:
# Create some random points
n <- 50
testLabels <- c("short", "mediummm", "looooonnnnnnngggggg", "0090292002", "9", "A Different label")
coords <- data.frame(X=runif(n), Y=runif(n, min=0, max=100), Name=sample(testLabels, size=n, replace=TRUE),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Plot them without labels
plot(x=coords$X, y=coords$Y, pch=19, bty="n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col="red", xlab="X", ylab="Y")
# With potentially overlapping labels
plot(x=coords$X, y=coords$Y, pch=19, bty="n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col="red", xlab="X", ylab="Y")
text(coords$X, coords$Y, labels=coords$Name, xpd=TRUE)
# Plot them with non-overlapping labels
plot(x=coords$X, y=coords$Y, pch=19, bty="n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col="red", xlab="X", ylab="Y")
addTextLabels(coords$X, coords$Y, coords$Name, cex=1, col.label="black")
# Plot them with non-overlapping labels
plot(x=coords$X, y=coords$Y, pch=19, bty="n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col="red", xlab="X", ylab="Y")
addTextLabels(coords$X, coords$Y, coords$Name, cex=1, col.background=rgb(0,0,0, 0.75), col.label="white")