This Docker image can be used to compile Python protobuf libraries in a Dockerfile without having to install grpcio-tools, which takes a long time to install and is not required by apps at runtime.
You'll need to use protobuf==3.6.1
or later in your app.
This example shows how you can use it in your app's Dockerfile. By
using multiple FROM
directives, you'll save space in your app's
Docker image and save lots of build time.
# For Python 2 apps
FROM oaklabs/grpcio-tools:python2.7.15-1.15.0 as protos
# For Python 3 apps
FROM oaklabs/grpcio-tools:python3.7.0-1.15.0 as protos
# Copy in your app's .proto files
COPY *.proto /protos/
RUN python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=/protos/ --python_out=/protos/ --grpc_python_out=/protos/ /protos/*.proto
# Now build your app
FROM ...
# Copy over compiled protobuf libraries
COPY --from=protos /protos/ /protos/