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Data Management meeting summary

Emma Gardner edited this page Aug 27, 2024 · 7 revisions



Emma Gardner, Robyn Owen, Dan Hayes, Victor Turpin, Callum Rollo, Justin Buck, Pierre Testor, Katharine Weathers, Andrew Evans, Chantelle Layton

IUGC data management feedback

OG1 more generic data types

Discussed guidelines for new common sensors on gliders. Probably next on list will be sound, ADCP, microstructure. Sensors that are more commonly used than new sensors still in development. Agreed would help if there is a task team to contact such as the Passive Acoustic Monitoring Glider Task Team. Emma will reach out and we can invite them to DMTT meetings for data management input. New vocabularies can be dealt with separately. To support new users with vocabs, there needs to be some more guidance (this has been feedback to the NVS team in NOC). This then led onto the SOPs and the need to revive these.

links here

Action : All to think about who could lead with co-ordination efforts for these SOPs.

The DMTT can support with data management perspective and GitHub.

Open source tools –

Callum has put together a list of open source tools for people to contribute to

This needs advertising wider, so people are aware.

Action : All to share this page.

Going forwards it would be nice if we could identify common services that could support glider users and make some community guidelines so that new open source tools are easy for the community to adopt.

Delayed mode –

A sub team led by Robyn and Victor will help take this forward.


Whilst discussing open source tools and QC, AMRIT was brought up - We should collaborate with AMRIT. A meeting will be held to get user requirements to feed into this project. Emma to put in regular meetings going forwards. Vocab specific meeting next.