In performing this activity, you'll create a thing on AWS IoT Cloud, create and attach a certificate to your thing, and attach a policy to your thing's certificate.
Sign in page:
Credentials: These have been mailed to you.
After logging in, ensure that you are in the Ohio region. There's a region-select dropdown next to your name in the top right of the page.
- Search for the Iot-Core service in the search bar and select that to navigate to the IoT-Core service.
- There is a tutorial that you can follow and documentation to explore, so feel free to do so if you wish.
- Click on "Manage" and then "Things" in the sidebar. This will show you a list of things that have previously been created. Next click on the "Create" button.
- Click on "Create a single thing".
- Name your thing. There are several extra options here that we're not going to use right now. A thing can be given a type, added to a group, and given attributes. For now, just scroll to the bottom and click "Next".
- Next to "One-click certificate creation", click on "Create certificate".
- Next we'll download all the files required for connecting to AWS-IoT. There are three files you need:
- The certificate (cert.pem file).
- The private key (private.key file).
- The root CA. Follow the "download" link, and on the next page download the
VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary G5 root CA certificate
(right click -> "download linked file")
- Activate your certificate by clicking on "Activate". Don't forget this step! You can now continue by clicking on "Attach a policy".
- Now you'll see a list of policies that can be attached to our thing's certificate.
- We've created a policy called maker-policy that has all the required permissions for this exercize. Search for it, select it, and click on "Register Thing".
That's it! You've created a thing, created a certifiate and attached it to your thing, and attached a policy to your thing.
If you're interested in how the policy has been set up, you can click on "Secure", then "Policies", and search for maker-policy to have a look at the policy document.
If you need help, ask in Make Slack in your team channel, and tag @dan.