Laravel 5.8 model cloud storage. Basic file upload, download, delete, functions; equipped with recycle bin.
SERVER: XAMPP PHP: 7.1.17 or higher Composer 1.6.5 or higher (1.8.3 used)Laravel 5.8 model cloud storage. Basic upload, download, delete, functions; equipped with recycle bin.
Download the zip and extractFind file .env and create a database name according to the given in the file Then set up the database in your terminal by migrating the tables and setting up the storage folder.
php artisan migrate
php artisan storage:link
Create a account and change the mailtrap credentials in the .env file to yours
Type the command php artisan serve in your terminal. E.g. C:\xampp\htdocs\roof>php artisan serve
It will then be hosted locally on your system, and you can type the given url in your browser.
OS Used: Windows 10 PHP Framework: Laravel 5.8 Flaticon The icons of the files may be changed by downloading the desired icon to the public folder and naming it after the extension it is meant for.