MeowJS --- A simple fast JavaScript Library that does not require any built-in framework... it all runs through scripts. An user just requires any web browser with javascript enabled.
Licensed under "GNU GPL v2.0".
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How-To clone the repository?
1. For Windows users:-
Cygwin must be installed along with openssl, g++-gcc, make, python, git and node.
2. For Mac Users:-
Install XCode along with Git and node.
3. For Ubuntu users:-
sudo apt-get install g++ curl libssl-dev apache2-utils
sudo apt-get install git-core
Then, install node.
Then, Clone the repository using this command:
$git clone
Alright, i don't use node, what to do?
Then, directly download --- click here
Download as per latest release --- click here
Note:- The repository is active and gets updated everyday. So, everytime, you need to freshly update inorder to keep it updated.
Okay, done! Now, What am i going to do with all these scripts?
1. Initialize the link headers [1, 2, 3]
```js ```
2. Add the scripts
Build a script loader, Here i have built and named it as
```js var ref = window.document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; var script = window.document.createElement("script"); script.src = src; script.async = true; ref.parentNode.insertBefore(script, ref); if(cb && typeof(cb) === "function") { script.onLoad = cb; } return script; ``` The script loader is already initilized in link header...
3. Load the scripts
Load a main script (meow.js) along with any relevant script from the list of scripts in MeowJS
```js <script src="meow.js"></script> <script src="Meow_Hello.js"></script> <script src="MeowDOM.js"></script> <script src="MeowString.js"></script> <script src="MeowUTF.js"></script> <script src="HiddenMeow.js"></script> <script src="Meow_HTTP.js"></script> <script src="Meow_IP.js"></script> <script src="Meow_Base.js"></script> <script src="Meow_Base64.js"></script> <script src="Meow_forEach.js"></script> <script src="Meow_Path.js"></script> <script src="Meow_EnvProcess.js"></script> ``` To know in detail --> refer
Let's take MeowFunText.js as an example and see how to load it.
```js meowNinja("meow.js"); meowNinja("MeowFunText.js"); ``` Then, add it's script source. ```js <script src="MeowFunText.js"></script> ```
For testing, Make use of these test files mentioned below.
Try the example test file --- test.html and test.css
Other test files (WebRTC) --- click here and frames
Failed tests -- click here
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Currently, MeowJS is in-development and non-production ready.
A common wiki is also provided and the documentation is updated at most times.
--- Cloning the wiki ---
$git clone
This is a project done by an individual.
The existing research works/books/codes/articles that were used as reference or customized for this project, the list of those researchers/authors/developers/writers will be credited in the (contents not-yet updated, it will be updated later after the successful completion of this project since it's a tedious process).