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Aswini S edited this page May 12, 2015 · 13 revisions
[1] MeowRTC demo

[2] Scribbles

[3] Main documentation
--- What is the most saddest thing? When you present alone when nobody is there and that main externals person never watches even one slide that you're presenting and falls asleep. But, you still keep presenting to the walls. This is what we get in-return when we present our original work. Always carries insults. Even tried to ignore the demo i was showing. No professor appreciates original works. I don't know whether i will get MTech degree itself due to arrears. My future is lost. Anyways, I'm sharing my whole boring 1-year work. Maybe, there will be someone who won't fall asleep while seeing it. DOWNLOAD IT (link updated) and you can find my final slides in Works/mtech-phase2/implementation/3 - final-ppt. Hope it helps someone!