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XChat-Guile README
XChat-Guile Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 By Zeeshan Ali <zeenix(AT)>.
            Copyright (c) 2006 By Lionel Elie Mamane <[email protected]>

This program is released under the terms of the GNU General
Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301

What is it?
XChat-Guile is a plugin for XChat that enables XChat plugin writers to
write their plugins in Scheme language. Since it uses libguile, the plugin
writers can do almost everything that they can do with guile. e.g It is 
possible to do all kinds of gnome stuff using the guile-gnome modules.

Plugin Writing basics:
The plugins are simple scheme/guile scripts, except that they must define the
following symbols:

xchat:plugin-name 		; A string specifying the name of the plugin
xchat:plugin-description	; a few words about the plugin
xchat:plugin-version		; A string specifying the version of the plugin
xchat:plugin-init		; A procedure that is called for initializing
				; the plugin. You can register your hooks here
xchat:plugin-deinit		; A procedure that is called before a plugin
				; is removed

The following commands will be intercepted by XChat-Guile Plugin, when it is

/guile load <filename>
    Load plugin with given filename.

/guile unload <filename|plugin name>
    Unload plugin with given filename, or plugin name.

/load <filename>
    Does the same as /guile load, but works only if filename has a .scm
	extension (which is advised).

/unload <filename|plugin name>
    Does the same as /guile unload

/guile eval <expression>
    Evaluate given scheme expression. For example, 

      /guile eval (display "Hello World!")
      /guile eval (xchat:get-info"channel") 

/guile about
    Show some information about the XChat-Guile plugin.



Prototype: (xchat:print text)

Description: Prints some text to the current tab/window.

	text: Text to print. May contain mIRC color codes.

Evaluates to: Nothing.

Example: (xchat:print "Hello World")


Prototype: (xchat:emit-print event_name ...)

Description: Generates a print event. This can be any event found in the 
			 Preferences > Advanced > Text Events window.

	event_name: Text event to print.

Evaluates to: #t on success, #f on failure.

Example: (xchat:emit-print "Channel Message" "John" "Hi there" "@")


Prototype: (xchat:command command)

Description: Executes a command as if it were typed in xchat's input box.

	command: Command to execute, without the forward slash "/".

Evaluates to: Nothing.

Example: (xchat:command "server")


Prototype: (xchat:find-context server channel)

Description: Finds a context based on a channel and server. If server is #f, it 
	     finds any channel (or query) by the given name. If channel is #f, 
	     it finds the front-most tab/window of the given servername. If #f
	     is given for both arguments, the currently focused tab/window will
	     be returned.

	server: Servername or #f.
	channel: Channelname or #f. 

Evaluates to: A Context object of type xchat_context_t or #f.

Example: (xchat:find-context #f "#guile")


Prototype: (xchat:current-context)

Description: Returns the current context for your plugin. You can use this later
	     with xchat:set-context.

Evaluates to: A Context object of type xchat_context_t or #f.


Prototype: (xchat:set-context context)

Description: Changes your current context to the one given.

	context: Context to change to (obtained with xchat:get-context or 

Evaluates to: #t on success, #f on failure.

Example: (xchat:set-context 
	    (xchat:find-context "" "#gstreamer"))


Prototype: (xchat:nick-compare nick1 nick2)

Description: Performs a nick name comparison, based on the current server
	     connection. This might be a RFC1459 compliant string compare, or
	     plain ASCII (in the case of DALNet). Use this to compare channels
	     and nicknames.

	nick1: String to compare.
	nick2: String to compare nick1 to.

Evaluates to: An integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if nick1 is
	      found, respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than

	(if (equal? (xchat:nick-compare me "Zeenix") 0)
	   (display "We are the same!"))


Prototype: (xchat:get-info id)

Description: Gets information based on your current context.

	id: ID of the information you want. Currently supported IDs are (case 

    	away		away reason or #f if you are not away.
	channel		current channel name.
	charset		character-set used in the current context (since 2.4.2).
	host		real hostname of the server you connected to.
	inputbox	the input-box contents, what the user has typed (since 
	libdirfs 	library directory. e.g. /usr/lib/xchat. The same
			directory used for auto-loading plugins (since 2.4.0).
			This string isn't necessarily UTF-8, but local file
			system encoding.
	network		current network name or #f.
	nick		your current nick name.
	nickserv	nickserv password for this network or #f (since 2.4.3).
	server		current server name (what the server claims to be). #f
			if you are not connected.
	topic		current channel topic.
	version		xchat version number.
	win_status	window status: "active", "hidden" or "normal" (since
	xchatdir	xchat config directory, e.g.: /home/user/.xchat2 This
			string is encoded in UTF-8.
	xchatdirfs	xchat config directory, e.g.: /home/user/.xchat2 (since 
			2.0.9).This string is encoded in local file system

Evaluates to: string of the requested information, or #f.

	(if (not (xchat:get-info "server"))
	   (xchat:print "Not connected!")) 


Prototype: (xchat:send-modes targets modes-per-line sign mode)

Description: Sends a number of channel mode changes to the current channel. For
	     example, you can Op a whole group of people in one go. It may send 
	     multiple MODE lines if the request doesn't fit on one. Pass 0 for 
	     modes-per-line to use the current server's maximum possible. This 
	    procedure should only be called while in a channel context.

	targets: List of targets (strings). The names of people whom the action
	will be performed on.
	modes_per_line: Maximum modes to send per line.
	sign: Mode sign, '-' or '+'.
	mode: Mode char, e.g. 'o' for Ops.

Evaluates to: Nothing.

Example: (xchat:send-modes '("Alpha" "Bravo" "Charlie") 0 #\+ #\o)

XChat Lists and Fields

Lists of information (DCCs, Channels, Userlist etc) can be retrieved with
xchat:list-get. Please note that here 'list' doesn't imply the list 
data-structure of scheme language, although these 'lists' are represented as
list of lists. For more details please refer to XChat's plugin documentation,
currently available at <>.


Prototype: (xchat:list-fields list-name)

Description: Gets the list of fields in the given xchat information list.

	list-name: name of the list.

Evaluates to: A list of all the fields in the given list.


Prototype: (xchat:list-get list-name)

Description: With this procedure you may retrieve a list containing the selected	     information from the current context, like a DCC list, a channel 
	     list, a user list, etc. For more information please refer to 
	     XChat's plugin documentation, currently available at 

	list-name: name of the list.

Evaluates to: the requested xchat list.

Example: (xchat:list-get "dcc")

The Hook Procedures:

These procedures allow one to hook into XChat events.

Priorities: When a priority symbol is accepted, it means that this callback may
	    be hooked with five different priorities:
	    The usage of these symbols will define the order in which your
	    plugin will be called. Most of the time, you won't want to change
	    its default value, 'xchat-priority-normal.

Callback Evaluation symbols:
	    A callback is supposed to evaluate to one of these 'xchat-eat-* 
	    symbols, it is able control how XChat will proceed after the 
	    callback finishes. These are the available symbols, and their 

	    'xchat-eat-plugin: Don't let any other plugin receive this event.
	    'xchat-eat-xchat: Don't let XChat treat this event as usual.
	    'xchat-eat-all: Eat the event completely.
	    'xchat-eat-none: Let everything happen as usual.

word and word_eol:
	    They are lists of strings. They contain the parameters the user
	    entered for the particular command and are passed as arguments to
	    the hook callbacks. For example, if you executed:

	    /command NICK hi there

	    (list-ref word 0) is command
	    (list-ref word 1) is NICK
	    (list-ref word 2) is hi
	    (list-ref word 3) is there

	    (list-ref word_eol 0) is command NICK hi there
	    (list-ref word_eol 1) is NICK hi there
	    (list-ref word_eol 2) is hi there
	    (list-ref word_eol 3) is there

	    Both list are limited to 31.


Prototype: (xchat:hook-command command-name priority callback help-text)

Description: This procedure allows you to hook into the name XChat command. It means that everytime you type /name ..., callback will be called.

	command-name: Name of the command (without the forward slash).
	priority:     Priority of this command.
	callback:     Callback procedure. This will be called when the user
		      executes the given command name.
	help-text:    String of text to display when the user executes /help for
		      this command.
Evaluates to: A hook handler, that can later be passed to xchat:unhook.
		    (lambda (word word-eol)
			    (string-append "NOTICE @" 
			     (xchat:get-info "channel")
			     " :" 
			     (list-ref word-eol 1)))
		    "Usage: ONOTICE <message> Sends a notice to all ops")


Prototype: (xchat:hook-print event-name priority callback)

Description: This procedure allows you to register a callback to trap any print
	     events. The event names are available in the Edit Event Texts 

	event-name: Name of the print event (as in Edit Event Texts Window). 
	priority:   Priority of this command.
	callback:   Callback procedure. This will be called when this event
		    name is printed.
Evaluates to: A hook handler, that can later be passed to xchat:unhook.
		(xchat:hook-print "You Part"
		    (lambda (word word-eol)
			(display "You have left channel ")
			(display (list-ref word-eol 2))


Prototype: (xchat:hook-server server-event-name priority callback)

Description: Registers a procedure to be called when a certain server event occurs. You can use this to trap PRIVMSG, NOTICE, PART, a server numeric etc... If you want to hook every line that comes from the IRC server, you may use the special name of "RAW LINE".

	server-event-name:  Name of the server event.
	priority: 	    Priority of this command.
	callback:	    Callback procedure. This will be called when this 
			    event is received from the server.
Evaluates to: A hook handler, that can later be passed to xchat:unhook.
	(xchat:hook-server "Part" 
			   (lambda (word word-eol) 
				(display (list-ref word 0))
				(display " has left channel ")
				(display (list-ref word 2))


Prototype: (xchat:hook-timer timeout callback)

Description: Registers a procedure to be called every "timeout" milliseconds. 

	timeout:    Timeout in milliseconds (1000 is 1 second).
	callback:   Callback procedure. This will be called every "timeout"
Evaluates to: A hook handler, that can later be passed to xchat:unhook.


	; This example deliberately makes use of closures to demonstrate why
	; this procedure does not need a 'user-data' argument in scheme as
	; needed in other languages

	(xchat:hook-timer 1000 
			  (let ((clock 0))
			    (lambda ()
				(set! clock (+ clock 1))
				(display "seconds passed = ")
				(display clock)


Prototype: (xchat:unhook hook-handler)

Description: Unhooks any hook registered with
	     xchat:hook-print/server/timer/command. When plugins are unloaded,
	     its hooks are NOT automatically removed (yet), so you need to call
	     this within your xchat:plugin-deinit procedure for each of the
	     hooks you registered. Failure in compliance to this rule will not
	     result in any earth-quack or even a segfault so don't worry too 
	     much about it. :)

	hook-handler: The hook handler, as returned by xchat:hook-*.
Evaluates to: The callback procedure given upon the registration of the hook.

Example: (xchat:unhook hook-handler)



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