The Gas Flow Control System is a comprehensive solution designed to revolutionize vacuum heat treatment technology.
This project encompasses three key components:
- a desktop application for precise hardware control,
- an embedded system for on-site operations,
- a web interface for real-time data access from any device.
Our aim is to enhance accuracy, efficiency, and user experience in controlling gas flow, paving the way for the next generation of vacuum heat treatment processes. This project is currently in the preparation phase for its upcoming release. Stay tuned for more updates!
This repository is first part of project: Desktop application.
This application COULD BE used not only for Gas Flow Control System. The API of this app at the moment is very simple.
- As a base of application was used Dear ImGui framework
- We lightly changed code of jfoshea's PID-controller with auto-tuning
- For creating AppImage for Linux machines we used LinuxDeploy utility
- For creating MSI installer we used Wix Toolset v5.0.1
- For showing plots we used ImPlot lib for ImGui
- For showing notifications we used ImGuiNotify
- For network communication we used Boost
- Go to Releases tab
- Download the
- Run the Setup_GasFlowControl.exe
- Follow the instructions in the installer
- Run the executable GasFlowControl.exe.
Executable with all necessary files will be placed in the Program Files directory. Also, Installer creates shortcuts on the desktop and in the start menu
- Go to Releases tab
- Download the file.
- Extract the Gas_Flow_Control_Monitor-x86_64.AppImage and imgui.ini from archive.
- Make the AppImage file executable
- Run the AppImage file.
The first time you opened the application you will see this:
When the Microcontroller (or multiple microcontrollers) connected to server application you will see that plot appeared:
You can enable PID regulation with button Enable PID configuration
After clicking on
Enable PID configuration
the second line will appear on the plot:
You could chnage theme by clicking File -> Dark
or File -> Light
in the change style
Microcontroller sends only one number as an actual Data from one sensor. You can find the working example at the
Firstly you need to install CMake with dependencies
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install git make openssl libssl-dev
git clone
cd CMake/
./bootstrap && make && sudo make install
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev
Install SDL2 from source (if you're not using the latest Debian or Ubuntu)
git clone -b SDL2
cd SDL
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
When cmake and SDL2 was installed we could start building the application
sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dev libglfw3-dev ninja-build
git clone --recursive
cd Monitoring_GasFlowControll
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=ninja -G Ninja -S . -B ./cmake-build-release
cmake --build ./cmake-build-release --target GasFlowControlMonitoringApp -j 6
After successful build you can run application using:
cd cmake-build-release
To create an AppImage file you need to run the shell script:
cd ../Deploy/AppImage && ./