This is a resource code from a script written by Olga Palacios, Juan Antonio Barceló and Rosario Delgado to conduct the experimental analyses of the research article: Palacios O, Barceló JA, Delgado R (2022) Exploring the role of ecology and social organisation in agropastoral societies: A Bayesian network approach. PLOS ONE 17(10): e0276088.
The objective of this study is to explore and quantify the interaction of people and environment in small-scale farming societies.
This code is written in R programming language and applied in the 'S2_Dataset", found in the Supporting Information of the research article. It does the following processes:
- Data pre-processing and cleaning
- Recoding and discretization
- Construction of three structurally different Bayesian networks: of binary relevance (Model A - Naïve Bayes, Augmented Naïve Bayes-) and one of all outputs at once (Model B) for all the five scenarios explored in the article (with different outputs / inputs)
- Model validation through k-fold cross-validation of the models' accuracy
- Model comparison using statistical methods
- Design of the directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of the three Bayesian network models for each scenario
- Quantification of the models arc strength
- Construction of the final models with the complete dataset and prediction of outputs in hypothetical scenarios (defined in form of inputs values) with the level of confidence
- Dataset
- Design of five scenarios exploring the relationship between different inputs/outputs
- Definition of the hypothetical scenarios used to predict the outputs
- p-values obtained in the k-fold cross-validation conducted as part of the model validation
- arc strengths, plots and predictions of the all models considering the five scenarios explored
The following packages are used: arules, BiocManager, RGBL, bnlearn, caret, DescTools, ggplot2, gplots, gRain, gRbase, lattice,naniar, plyr, readxl, Rgraphviz, visdat.
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