Ghostmarket SDK offers a complete set of functionalities enabling access to GhostMarket as a full-fledged SDK written in TypeScript/Javascript.
Full support in a single SDK of all blockchains integrated with GhostMarket, currently ten: Ethereum, BSC, Avalanche, Polygon, Base, Phantasma, Neo N3, NeoX, Shardeum, Blast, Neo X.
Checkout the Changelog
- Getting assets
- Getting events
- Getting collections
- Getting offers
- Getting orders
- Getting NFT balances
- Getting token balances
- Getting token approval
- Getting incentives
- Set contract royalties
- Approve token
- Claiming incentives
- Getting LP stakes
- Getting LP rewards
- Claiming LP rewards
- Stake LP tokens
- Signing Data
We recommend using Node.js version 16.
yarn add @onblockio/ghostmarket-sdk-js
or if using npm
npm install --save @onblockio/ghostmarket-sdk-js
Install web3 if you don't have it already.
To get started on EVM, you can use either a read only provider, a web3 provider (ex metamask) or a private key (to be stored in .env
file, see .env.example
for a reference).
import Web3 from 'web3'
import { GhostMarketSDK, Chain, TESTNET_API_URL, MAINNET_API_URL } from 'ghostmarket-sdk-js';
// if using EVM private key or mnemonic hdwallet-provider is required
// import HDWalletProvider from '@truffle/hdwallet-provider'
// Variables
const apiKey = process.env.GM_API_KEY // GhostMarket API KEY if you have one
const privateKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY // private key to use - only for private key provider
const rpcUrl = process.env.RPC_URL // RPC to use, ex ''
const environment = MAINNET_API_URL // GhostMarket Infrastructure - MAIN_ENVIRONMENT or TEST_ENVIRONMENT
const chainName = Chain.ETHEREUM // see below for chain values
/* chainName values :
// SDK config options.
const sdkConfig = {
// Option 1 - readonly provider, only reads the network state. Can not sign transactions
const customProvider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(rpcUrl)
const address = ''
// Option 2 - metamask provider
const customProvider = window.ethereum
const address = await ethereum.request({
method: 'eth_requestAccounts',
// Option 3 - private key
const customProvider = new HDWalletProvider(privateKeys: [privateKey], providerOrUrl: rpcUrl)
const address = customProvider.addresses[0]
// Create instance of GhostMarketSDK - EVM
const gmSDK = new GhostMarketSDK(customProvider, sdkConfig);
// Start and stop provider engine - when using HDWalletProvider
// customProvider.engine.start();
// your code here
// customProvider.engine.stop();
// All set - use the object gmSDK to access GhostMarket SDK
To get started on Neo N3, you can use either a NEP-12 provider (ex neoline or o3) or a private key (to be stored in .env
file, see .env.example
for a reference).
import { GhostMarketN3SDK, Chain, TESTNET_API_URL, MAINNET_API_URL } from 'ghostmarket-sdk-js';
// Variables
const apiKey = process.env.GM_API_KEY // GhostMarket API KEY if you have one
const privateKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY // private key to use - only for Neo N3 private provider
const rpcUrl = process.env.RPC_URL // RPC to use instead of default ones
const environment = MAINNET_API_URL // GhostMarket Infrastructure - MAIN_ENVIRONMENT or TEST_ENVIRONMENT
const chainName = Chain.NEO3 // see below for chain values
/* chainName values :
Chain.NEO3 / Chain.NEO3_TESTNET
// SDK config options.
const sdkConfig = {
// Option 1 - neoline
const customProvider = 'neoline'
// Option 2 - o3
const customProvider = 'o3'
// Option 3 - private key
const customProvider = 'private'
// Create instance of GhostMarketN3SDK - Neo N3
const gmSDK = new GhostMarketN3SDK(customProvider, sdkConfig);
// Connected address (neoline / o3)
const address = (await gmSDK.getProvider().getAccount()).address
// All set - use the object gmSDK to access GhostMarket SDK
// Fetch 10 GhostMarket assets.
const { assets } = await gmSDK.api.getAssetsV2({ size: 10 })
// Fetch 10 GhostMarket events.
const { events } = await gmSDK.api.getEventsV2({ size: 10 })
// Fetch 10 GhostMarket collections.
const { collections } = await gmSDK.api.getCollectionsV2({ size: 10 })
// Fetch offers from asset.
const chain = '' // filter by chain.
const contractAddress = '' // filter for one contract.
const tokenId = '' // filter for one tokenId.
const { offers } = await gmSDK.api.getAssetOffersV2({ chain, contractAddress, tokenId })
// Fetch orders from asset.
const chain = '' // filter by chain.
const contractAddress = '0x....' // filter for one contract.
const tokenId = '' // filter for one tokenId.
const { orders } = await gmSDK.api.getAssetOrdersV2({ chain, contractAddress, tokenId })
const chain = '' // filter by chain.
const contractAddress = '' // filter for one contract.
const owners = ['0x....'] // filter by one or more owner.
const balance = await gmSDK.api.getAssetsV2({ chain, contractAddress, owners })
const contract = ''
const balance = await gmSDK.checkTokenBalance(contract, address)
const contract = '0x....'
const approval = await gmSDK.checkTokenApproval(contract, address)
const incentives = await gmSDK.checkIncentives(address)
const availableIncentives = incentives ? incentives.availableIncentives : 0 // EVM
const availableIncentives = incentives[5] ? incentives[5].value : 0 // Neo N3
const contractAddress = '0x....'
const royaltiesArray = [{address, value: 1000}] // array of recipient/value array (in bps).
const royalties = await gmSDK.setRoyaltiesForContract(contractAddress, royaltiesArray, {from: address})
const contract = '0x....'
const approve = await gmSDK.approveToken(contract, {from: address})
const claim = await gmSDK.claimIncentives({from: address})
const stakes = await gmSDK.checkLPStakes(address)
const rewards = await gmSDK.checkLPRewards(address)
const claim = await gmSDK.claimLPRewards({from: address})
const amount = '1' // in wei (evm) or biginteger format (n3).
const isStaking = true // set to false to unstake.
const stake = await gmSDK.stakeLPTokens(amount, isStaking, {from: address})
const message = 'signing stuff'
const signed = await gmSDK.signData(message, address) // EVM
const signed = await gmSDK.signData(message) // N3
You can override automatic calculation of gas price if you add it to the last argument object on each transaction requiring signature. Example when wrapping a token:
instead of const wrap = await gmSDK.wrapToken(amount, isWrap, {from: address})
simply do const wrap = await gmSDK.wrapToken(amount, isWrap, {from: address, gasPrice: 50000})
if you want to override gas price to 50000
All interfaces are documented here: EVM interfaces
const orderDetails = {
baseContract: '0x....', // order maker base contract address.
baseTokenId: '1', // order maker NFT tokenId - set to the one to offer for a collection offer.
baseTokenAmount: 1, // order maker amount - optional - only needed for ERC1155 otherwise default to 1.
quoteContract: '0x....', // order maker quote contract address - use 0x for native currency (ex. ETH).
quotePrice: '1', // order maker price - in wei.
makerAddress: '0x....', // order maker.
type: 1, // order maker type 1 - listing, 2 - offer.
startDate: 0, // order maker start date.
endDate: 0, // order maker end date.
salt: '0x....', // order maker salt.
signature: '0x....', // order maker signature.
const buying = await gmSDK.matchOrders(orderDetails, {from: address})
const startDate = parseInt((new Date().getTime() / 1000).toString())
const orderDetails = [{
baseContract: '0x....', // order base contract address - nft contract for listing.
baseTokenId: '1', // order NFT tokenId - token id for listing - set to empty for collection offer.
baseTokenAmount: 1, // order amount - only needed for ERC1155 otherwise default to 1.
quoteContract: '0x....', // order quote contract address - currency accepted for listing - use 0x for native currency (ex. ETH).
quotePrice: '1', // order price - in wei.
makerAddress: '0x....', // order maker.
type: 1, // 1 - listing, 2 - offer, 3 - collection offer.
startDate, // order start date.
endDate: startDate + (3600 * 24) // order end date.
const listing = await gmSDK.createOrder(orderDetails)
const orderDetails = [{
baseContract: '0x....', // order base contract address - nft contract for listing.
baseTokenId: '1', // order NFT tokenId - token id for listing - set to empty for collection offer.
baseTokenAmount: 1, // order amount - only needed for ERC1155 otherwise default to 1.
quoteContract: '0x....', // order quote contract address - currency accepted for listing - use 0x for native currency (ex. ETH).
quotePrice: '1', // order price - in wei.
makerAddress: '0x....', // order maker.
type: 1, // 1 - listing, 2 - offer, 3 - collection offer.
startDate: 0, // order start date.
endDate: 0, // order end date.
salt: '0x....' // required for cancellation, use the salt from the order/offer.
const cancel = await gmSDK.bulkCancelOrders(orderDetails, {from: address})
Note: edit listing price does not cancel current order, it just hides it on API and exposes the new one only, but the old one can still be matched later. Only a true cancellation will make it un matcheable - only supported for ERC721.
const orderDetails = [{
baseContract: '0x....', // order base contract address - nft contract for listing.
baseTokenId: '1', // order NFT tokenId - token id for listing - set to empty for collection offer.
baseTokenAmount: 1, // order amount - only needed for ERC1155 otherwise default to 1.
quoteContract: '0x....', // order quote contract address - currency accepted for listing - use 0x for native currency (ex. ETH).
quotePrice: '1', // order new price - in wei - has to be lower than current price.
makerAddress: '0x....', // order maker.
type: 1, // 1 - listing, 2 - offer, 3 - collection offer.
startDate: 0, // order start date.
endDate: 0, // order end date.
salt: '0x....' // required for edit, use the salt from the order/offer.
const edit = await gmSDK.createOrder(orderDetails)
const startDate = parseInt((new Date().getTime() / 1000).toString())
const orderDetails = [{
baseContract: '0x....', // order base contract address - nft contract for listing.
baseTokenId: '1', // order NFT tokenId - token id for listing - set to empty for collection offer.
baseTokenAmount: 1, // order amount - only needed for ERC1155 otherwise default to 1.
quoteContract: '0x....', // order quote contract address.
quotePrice: '1', // order price - in wei.
makerAddress: '0x....', // order maker.
type: 2, // 1 - listing, 2 - offer, 3 - collection offer.
startDate, // order start date.
endDate: startDate + (3600 * 24) // order end date.
const listing = await gmSDK.createOrder(orderDetails)
const orderDetails = [{
baseContract: '0x....', // order maker base contract address.
baseTokenId: '1', // order maker NFT tokenId - set to the one to offer for a collection offer.
baseTokenAmount: 1, // order maker amount - only needed for ERC1155 otherwise default to 1.
quoteContract: '0x....', // order maker quote contract address.
quotePrice: '1', // order maker price - in wei.
makerAddress: '0x....', // order maker.
type: 2, // order maker type 1 - listing, 2 - offer, 3 - collection offer.
startDate: 0, // order maker start date.
endDate: 0, // order maker end date.
salt: '0x....', // order maker salt.
signature: '0x....', // order maker signature.
const accept = await gmSDK.matchOrders(orderDetails, {from: address})
const orderDetails = [{
baseContract: '0x....', // order base contract address - nft contract for listing.
baseTokenId: '1', // order NFT tokenId - token id for listing - set to empty for collection offer.
baseTokenAmount: 1, // order amount - only needed for ERC1155 otherwise default to 1.
quoteContract: '0x....', // order quote contract address.
quotePrice: '1', // order price - in wei.
makerAddress: '0x....', // order maker.
type: 2, // 1 - listing, 2 - offer, 3 - collection offer.
startDate: 0, // order start date.
endDate: 0, // order end date.
salt: '0x....'
const cancel = await gmSDK.bulkCancelOrders(orderDetails, {from: address})
const contract = '0x....'
const approval = await gmSDK.checkContractApproval(contract, address)
const amount = '1' // in wei.
const isWrap = true // set to false to unwrap.
const wrap = await gmSDK.wrapToken(amount, isWrap, {from: address})
const contract = '0x....'
const approval = await gmSDK.approveContract(contract, {from: address})
const balance = await gmSDK.checkBalance(contract)
const destination = '0x....'
const contract = '0x....'
const amount = '1' // in wei.
const transfer = await gmSDK.transferERC20(destination, contract, amount, {from: address})
const destination = '0x....'
const contract = '0x....'
const tokenId = '1'
const transfer = await gmSDK.transferERC721(destination, contract, tokenId, {from: address})
const destination = '0x....'
const contract = '0x....'
const tokenId = '1'
const amount = 1
const transfer = await gmSDK.transferERC1155(destination, contract, [tokenId], [amount], {from: address})
const contract = '0x....'
const tokenId = '1'
const burn = await gmSDK.burnERC721(contract, tokenId, {from: address})
const contract = '0x....'
const tokenId = '1'
const amount = 1
const burn = await gmSDK.burnERC1155(contract, tokenId, amount, {from: address})
const royaltyRecipient = '0x....'
const mintDetails = {
creatorAddress: '0x....',
royalties: [{address: royaltyRecipient, value: 1000}], // royalties - optional - use bps.
externalURI: 'ipfs://xxx'
const token = await gmSDK.mintERC721(mintDetails, {from: address})
const royaltyRecipient = '0x....'
const mintDetails = {
creatorAddress: '0x....',
royalties: [{address: royaltyRecipient, value: 1000}], // royalties - optional - use bps.
externalURI: 'ipfs://xxx'
const amount = 1
const token = await gmSDK.mintERC1155(mintDetails, amount, {from: address})
You can override automatic calculation of network fee and system fee if you add it to the last argument object on each transaction requiring signature. Example when buying a NFT:
instead of const buying = await gmSDK.buyMultiple(buyingDetails, {from: address})
simply do const buying = await gmSDK.buyMultiple(buyingDetails, {from: address, systemFee: '0.2', networkFee: '0.2'})
if you want to override both with 0.2 GAS
All interfaces are documented here: Neo N3 interfaces
const buyingDetails = [{
contractAuctionId: '1', // on chain contract auction ID.
price: '1', // order price - in biginteger format.
quoteContract: '0x....', // order quote contract address.
const buying = await gmSDK.buyMultiple(buyingDetails, {from: address})
const startDate = new Date().getTime()
const listingDetails = [{
tokenId: '1', // order NFT tokenId - token id for listing.
baseContract: '0x....', // order base contract address - nft contract for listing.
price: '1', // order price - in biginteger format.
quoteContract: '0x....', // order quote contract address - currency accepted for listing.
startDate, // order start date - set to custom one or it will default to right now.
endDate: 0, // order end date - set to custom one or it will default to unexpiring.
const listing = await gmSDK.sellMultiple(listingDetails, {from: address})
const startDate = new Date().getTime()
const auctionDetails = {
auctionType: 1, // classic (1) reserve (2) dutch (3).
tokenId: '1', // auction NFT tokenId.
baseContract: '0x....', // auction base contract address.
extensionPeriod: 600, // auction extension period - 600 for 10 min - max 1 hour.
startDate, // auction start date.
endDate: startDate + 600000, // auction end date. - startDate + 600000 for ten minutes.
startPrice: '1', // auction start price in biginteger format.
endPrice: 0, // auction end price - only used for dutch auctions.
quoteContract: '0x....', // auction quote contract address.
const auction = await gmSDK.listAuction(auctionDetails, {from: address})
const auctionDetails = {
contractAuctionId: '1', // on chain contract auction ID.
bidPrice: '1', // bid price in biginteger format.
quoteContract: '0x....', // auction quote contract address.
const bid = await gmSDK.bidAuction(auctionDetails, {from: address})
const contractAuctionId = '1' // on chain contract auction ID.
const claim = await gmSDK.claimAuction(contractAuctionId, {from: address})
const buyingDetails = [{
contractAuctionId: '1', // on chain contract auction ID.
quoteContract: '0x....', // order quote contract address.
isCancellation: true, // is it a cancellation.
const cancel = await gmSDK.buyMultiple(buyingDetails, {from: address})
const contractAuctionId = '1' // on chain contract auction ID.
const price = '1' // new price in biginteger format.
const edit = await gmSDK.editPrice(contractAuctionId, price, {from: address})
const startDate = new Date().getTime()
const offerDetails = [{
baseContract: '0x....', // offer base contract address - nft contract for offer.
quoteContract: '0x....', // offer quote contract address - currency for offer - only GM supported for now.
tokenId: '1', // offer NFT tokenId - token id for listing - leave empty for collection offer.
price: '1', // offer price - in biginteger format.
startDate, // offer start date - set to custom one or it will default to right now.
endDate: 0, // offer end date - set to 0 for unexpiring - startDate + 604800 for one week.
const offer = await gmSDK.placeOffer(offerDetails, {from: address})
const offerDetails = {
auctionId: '1', // on chain contract auction ID.
quoteContract: '0x....', // offer quote contract address - currency for offer - only GM supported for now.
tokenId: '1', // offer NFT tokenId - token id for listing - pass tokenId for collection offer.
isCancellation: false, // is it an offer (true) or a cancellation (false).
const offer = await gmSDK.processOffer(offerDetails, {from: address})
const offerDetails = {
auctionId: '1', // on chain contract auction ID.
quoteContract: '0x....', // offer quote contract address - currency for offer - only GM supported for now.
tokenId: '', // offer NFT tokenId - token id for listing - pass tokenId for collection offer.
isCancellation: true, // is it an offer (true) or a cancellation (false).
const offer = await gmSDK.processOffer(offerDetails, {from: address})
const destination = 'NLp9MRxBHH2YJrsF1D1VMXg3mvze3WSTqn'
const quoteContract = '0x....'
const amount = '1' // in biginteger format.
const transfer = await gmSDK.transferNEP17(destination, quoteContract, amount, {from: address})
const transferDetails = [{
destination: 'NLp9MRxBHH2YJrsF1D1VMXg3mvze3WSTqn', // destination address.
baseContract: '0x....', // contract address.
tokenId: '1', // tokenId.
const transfer = await gmSDK.transferNEP11(transferDetails, {from: address})
const burnDetails = [{
contractAddress: '0x....', // contract address.
tokenId: '1', // tokenId.
const burn = await gmSDK.burnNEP11(burnDetails, {from: address})
const royaltyRecipient = 'NLp9MRxBHH2YJrsF1D1VMXg3mvze3WSTqn'
const mintDetails = {
name: 'test name', // NFT name.
description: 'test description', // NFT description.
imageURL: 'ipfs://xxx', // image URL.
royalties: [{address: royaltyRecipient, value: 1000}], // royalties - optional - use bps.
const token = await gmSDK.mintNEP11(mintDetails, {from: address})
Clone this repo
git clone
cd ghostmarket-sdk-js/
yarn install
To build
yarn build
To run the tests
yarn test
Contributions welcome! Please use GitHub issues for suggestions/issues.