This is the official Android app for OneBusAway!
OneBusAway for Android provides:
- Real-time bus arrival information for public transit
- A browse-able map of nearby stops
- A list of favorite bus stops
- Reminders to notify you when your bus is arriving
- The ability to search for nearby stops or routes
OneBusAway for Android automatically keeps track of your most used stops and routes, and allows you to put shortcuts on your phone's home screen for any stop or route you choose.
It's available on the Play Store.
We use Gradle build flavors to enable a number of different build variants of OneBusAway Android.
We have two Gradle "platform" flavor dimensions:
- google = Normal Google Play release
- amazon = Amazon Fire Phone release
...and three Gradle "brand" flavor dimensions:
- oba = Original OneBusAway brand
- agencyX = A sample rebranded version of OneBusAway for a fictitious "Agency X"
- agencyY = A sample rebranded version of OneBusAway for a fictitious "Agency Y"
This results in a total of 2 * 3 = 6 core build variants. Each of these core variants also has a debug/release build type - the end result is that you'll have 12 build variants to choose to build.
The below instructions assume you're going to be building for the google platform flavor and original oba brand by default (e.g., obaGoogleDebug
), but
also mention how you would build/run the amazon flavor for the oba brand (e.g., obaAmazonDebug
). If you want more info about building the other brands, please see the Rebranding OneBusAway Android page.
- Set the
environmental variables to point to your JDK folder (e.g.C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_27
) - If you want to build the Amazon platform flavor, you need to have Apache Maven installed. Then, from the root directory of the project run
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=libs/amazon-maps-api-v2.aar -DpomFile=libs/amazon-maps-api-v2.pom
to install the Amazon Maps API v2 library.
- Download and install the latest version of Android Studio.
- Run Android Studio (Windows users may need to
Run as administator
when installing Android SDK components). - At the welcome screen select
Import Project
, browse to the location of this repository and double-click it. - Open the Android SDK Manager (Tools->Android->SDK Manager) and under the currently used SDK version (see
) add a checkmark next toGoogle APIs
then selectInstall n packages
may be 1 or more if other updates are available. - Connect a debugging enabled Android device to your computer or setup an Android Virtual Device (Tools->Andorid->AVD Manager).
- Open the "Build Variants" window (it appears as a vertical button on left side of workspace by default).
- Chose obaGoogleDebug to select the Google Play version, or obaAmazonDebug to select the Fire Phone
- Click the green play button (or Alt+Shift+F10) to build and run the project!
- Download and install the Android SDK. Make sure to install the Google APIs for your API level (e.g. 17), the Android SDK Build-tools version for your
version, the Android Support Repository and the Google Repository. - Set the
environmental variable to your Android SDK location. - To build and push the app to the device, run
gradlew installObaGoogleDebug
from the command line at the root of the project (orgradlew installObaAmazonDebug
for Amazon build flavor) - To start the app, run
adb shell am start -n com.joulespersecond.seattlebusbot/
(alternately, you can manually start the app)
To build a release build, you need to create a
file that points to a
file, and a
file that points to your keystore and alias. The gradlew assembleGoogleRelease
command will prompt for your keystore passphrase (for Amazon Fire Phone version, use gradlew assembleAmazonRelease
file is located in the onebusaway-android directory and has the contents:<full_path_to_secure_properties_file>
file (in the location specified in has the contents:<full_path_to_keystore_file>
Note that the paths in these files always use the Unix path separator /
, even on Windows. If you use the Windows path separator \
you will get the error No value has been specified for property 'signingConfig.keyAlias'.
Get early access to new OneBusAway Android versions! See our Beta Testing Guide for details.
We welcome contributions to the project! Please see our Contributing Guide for details, including Code Style Guidelines and Template.
There are two ways to deploy OneBusAway Android in your city:
- Join the OneBusAway multi-region project - The easiest way to get started - simply set up your own OneBusAway server with your own transit data, and get added to the OneBusAway apps! See this page for details.
- Deploy a rebranded version of OneBusAway Android as your own app on Google Play - Requires a bit more maintenance, but it allows you to set up your own app on Google Play / Amazon App Store based on the OneBusAway Android source code. See this page for details.
You're most likely trying to run the amazon
build variant on an Google Android device, or the google
build flavor on an Amazon device.
Please be sure to select the correct build flavor for your device/emulator when running the project:
- In Android Studio, you'll see a "Build Variant" button on the very left side of the screen, collapsed in the dock. Click on this, and select either
for Google devices, oramazonDebug
for Amazon devices. - From the command line, run
gradlew installGoogleDebug
for Google devices, orgradlew installAmazonDebug
for Amazon devices.
See the documentation at the top of the readme for more information on building via Android Studio or the command line.
When importing to Android Studio, I get an error "You are using an old, unsupported version of Gradle..."
If you're using Android Studio v0.4.2 or lower, when importing, please be sure to select the settings.gradle
file in the root, NOT the project directory.
You will get the above error if you select the project directory / name of the project.
Open the Android SDK Manager and make sure the following are installed:
- Under Tools
- Android SDK Tools
- Android SDK Platform-tools
- Android SDK Build-tools
- Under the currently used SDK version (see
)- SDK Platform
- Google APIs
- Extras
- Android Support Repository
- Android Support Library
- Google Play services
- Google Repository
Make sure that you're consistently using the same Android SDK throughout Android Studio and your environmental variables. Android Studio comes bundled with an Android SDK, and can get confused if you're pointing to this SDK within Android Studio but have your environmental variables pointed elsewhere. Click "File->Project Structure", and then under "Android SDK" make sure you "Android SDK Location" is the correct location of your Android SDK.
Also, make sure you've set the ANDROID_HOME
environmental variable to your Android SDK location and
environmental variables to point to your JDK folder.
Want to learn more about the OneBusAway project? Read up on the entire Application Suite and/or learn more about the mobile apps.