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GraphDB Proof Plugin. Can be used to find which rules fired to derive particular statement


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GraphDB Proof Plugin. Can be used to find which rules fired to derive particular statement

Building the plugin

The plugin is a Maven project.

Run mvn clean package to build the plugin and execute the tests.

The built plugin can be found in the target directory:


Installing the plugin

External plugins are installed under lib/plugins in the GraphDB distribution directory. To install the plugin follow these steps:

  1. Remove the directory containing another version of the plugin from lib/plugins (e.g. proof-plugin).
  2. Unzip the built zip file in lib/plugins.
  3. Restart GraphDB.


Often there is a need to find out how a particular statement has been derived by the inferencer, e.g. which rule fired and which premises have been matched to produce that statement.

Predicates Supported

Namespace of the plugin is, its internal name "proof"

It supports following predicates:

  • proof:explain - the subject will be bound to the state variable (a unique bnode in request scope) and the object is a list with 3 arguments, the subject, predicate and object of the statement to be explained. When the subject is bound with the id of the state var, the other predicates can be used to fetch a part of the current solution (rulename, subject, predicate, object and context of the matching premise). Upon re-evaluation, values from the next premise of the rule are used or we advance to the next solution to enumerate its premises for each of the rules that derive the statement. For brevity of the results, a solution is checked whether it contains a premise that is equal to the source statement we explore and if so, that solution is skipped. That removes matches for self-supporting statements ( e.g when the same statement is also a premise of a rule that derives it).
  • proof:rule - if the subject is bound to the state variable, then the current solution is accessed through the context and the object is bound to the rule name of the current solution as a Literal. If the source statement is explicit, the Literal "explicit" is bound to the object.
  • proof:subject - the subject is the state variable and the object is bound to the subject of the premise
  • proof:predicate - the subject is the state variable and the object is bound to the predicate of the premise
  • proof:object - the subject is the state variable and the object is bound to the object of the premise
  • proof:context - the subject is the state variable and the object is bound to the context of the premise (or onto:explicit/onto:implicit)


Example with owl:inverseOf

The example will investigate the relevant rule from that ruleset which looks like that in the source PIE file:

Id: owl_invOf

    a b c
    b <owl:inverseOf> d
    c d a

Let's load following data into a repository that is configured with a ruleset supporting owl:inverseOf predicate (owl-horst for instance). It declare urn:childOf is inverse property of urn:hasChild and place a statement relating urn:John urn:childOf urn:Mary in a context named <urn:family>:

insert data {
    <urn:childOf> owl:inverseOf <urn:hasChild> .
    graph <urn:family> {
        <urn:John> <urn:childOf> <urn:Mary>

The next query explines which rule has been triggered to derive (<urn:Mary> <urn:hasChild> <urn:John>) statement. The arguments to proof:explain predicate from the plugin are supplied by VALUES expression for brevity:

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
prefix proof: <>
select ?rule ?s ?p ?o ?context where {
    values (?subject ?predicate ?object) {(<urn:Mary> <urn:hasChild> <urn:John>)}
    ?ctx proof:explain (?subject ?predicate ?object) .
    ?ctx proof:rule ?rule .
    ?ctx proof:subject ?s .
    ?ctx proof:predicate ?p .
    ?ctx proof:object ?o .
    ?ctx proof:context ?context .

we are getting:

rule s p o context
1 rule_owl_invOf urn:childOf owl:inverseOf urn:hasChild
2 rule_owl_invOf urn:John urn:childOf urn:Mary urn:family

if we change the VALUES to:

values (?subject ?predicate ?object) {
  (<urn:John> <urn:childOf> <urn:Mary>)

we are getting:

rule s p o context
1 explicit urn:John urn:childOf urn:Mary urn:family

next if we change the values to:

values (?subject ?predicate ?object) {
  (<urn:hasChild> owl:inverseOf <urn:childOf> )

The solution is:

rule s p o context
1 rule_owl_invOf owl:inverseOf owl:inverseOf owl:inverseOf
2 rule_owl_invOf urn:childOf owl:inverseOf urn:hasChild

As we can see (owl:inverseOf, owl:inverseOf owl:inverseOf) is implicit and we may investigate further by altering the VALUES to:

values (?subject ?predicate ?object) {
  (owl:inverseOf owl:inverseOf owl:inverseOf )

and we are getting:

rule s p o context
1 rule_owl_invOfBySymProp owl:inverseOf rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty

the PIE code for the related rule is:

Id: owl_invOfBySymProp

      a <rdf:type> <owl:SymmetricProperty>
      a <owl:inverseOf> a

if we track down the last premise, we can find that another rule support it (both rules and the premises are axioms and the plugin, at present, do not check if something is an axiom)

Id: owl_SymPropByInverse

      a <owl:inverseOf> a
      a <rdf:type> <owl:SymmetricProperty>

An extended example with ontology data

Another sample dataset may be used to further explore the internals of the inference engine.

lets add following data into the same repository:

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
insert data {
    <urn:Red> a <urn:Colour> .
    <urn:White> a <urn:Colour> .
    <has:color> a rdf:Property .
    <urn:WhiteThing> a owl:Restriction;
                     owl:onProperty <has:color>;
                     owl:hasValue <urn:White> .
    <urn:RedThing> a owl:Restriction;
                     owl:onProperty <has:color>;
                     owl:hasValue <urn:Red> .
    <has:component> a rdf:Property .
    <urn:Wine> a owl:Restriction;
                     owl:onProperty <has:component>;
                     owl:someValuesFrom <urn:Grape> .
    <urn:RedWine> owl:intersectionOf (<urn:RedThing> <urn:Wine>) .
    <urn:WhiteWine> owl:intersectionOf (<urn:WhiteThing> <urn:Wine>) .
    <urn:Beer> a owl:Restriction;
                     owl:onProperty <has:component>;
                     owl:someValuesFrom <urn:Malt> .
    <urn:PilsenerMalt> a <urn:Malt> .
    <urn:PaleMalt> a <urn:Malt> .
    <urn:WheatMalt> a <urn:Malt> .
    <urn:MerloGrape> a <urn:Grape> .
    <urn:CaberneGrape> a <urn:Grape> .
    <urn:MavrudGrape> a <urn:Grape> .
    <urn:Merlo> <has:component> <urn:MerloGrape> ;
                <has:color> <urn:Red> .

It is a simple beverage ontology that uses owl:hasValue, owl:someValuesFrom and owl:intersectionOf to classify instances based on the values of some of the ontology properties. We have:

  • two colors Red and White
  • classes of WhiteThings and RedThigs for the items related with has:color property to White and Red colours
  • classes Wine and Beer for the items related with has:component to instances of Grape and Malt classes
  • few instances of Grape (MerloGrape, CabernetGrape etc) and Malt (PilsenerMalt, WheatMalt etc)
  • classes RedWine and WhiteWine are declared as intersections of Wine with RedThings and WhiteThigs respectively for WhiteWine
  • and finally we introduce an instance Merlo which is related with has:component to MerloGrape and also has value to has:color as Red

The expected inference is that Merlo is classified as RedWine because it is member of both RedThings (because of has:color is related to Red ) and Wine (because has:component points to an object that is member of Grape class).

If we evaluate:

describe <urn:Merlo>

we get a Turtle document like:

<urn:Merlo> a rdfs:Resource, <urn:RedThing>, <urn:RedWine>,<urn:Wine>;
        <has:color> <urn:Red>;
        <has:component> <urn:MerloGrape> .

So the inferencer derived correctly that Merlo is a member of RedWine.

Let’s explore how the inferencer derive that:

First, we will add some hepler javascript functions to combine the results in more compact form as literals formed by the local names of the IRI components in the statements:

Let introduce a js:lname() function which retunr the local name of an IRI:

PREFIX jsfn:<>
    [] jsfn:register '''
    function lname(value) {
        if(value instanceof org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI)
            return value.getLocalName();
            return ""+value;

and reuse it to create js:stmt() that concatenates few more items into a convenient literal:

PREFIX jsfn:<>
    [] jsfn:register '''
    function stmt(s, p, o, c) {
        return '('+lname(s)+', '+lname(p)+', '+lname(o)+(c?', '+lname(c):'')+')';

We will also need some way to refer to a BNode using its label, because SPARQL always generate unique BNodes during evaluation of a query:

PREFIX jsfn:<>
    [] jsfn:register '''
    function _bnode(value) {
        return org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.impl.SimpleValueFactory.getInstance().createBNode(value);

Now lets see how the (urn:Merlo rdf:type urn:RedWine) has been derived (note the use of js:stmt() function in the projection of the query): The query will use a subselect to provide bindings for ?subject, ?predicate and ?object variables as a convenient way to easily add more statements to be explained by the plugin further.

PREFIX jsfn:<>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
prefix proof: <>
select(jsfn:stmt(?subject,?predicate,?object) as ?stmt) ?rule (jsfn:stmt(?s,?p,?o,?context) as ?premise)
where {
        select ?subject ?predicate ?object {
            values (?subject ?predicate ?object) {
                    (<urn:Merlo> rdf:type <urn:RedWine>)
    ?ctx proof:explain (?subject ?predicate ?object) .
    ?ctx proof:rule ?rule .
    ?ctx proof:subject ?s .
    ?ctx proof:predicate ?p .
    ?ctx proof:object ?o .
    ?ctx proof:context ?context .

The result is:

stmt rule premise
1 (Merlo, type, RedWine) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_1 (RedWine, intersectionOf, _:node1, explicit)
2 (Merlo, type, RedWine) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_1 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1, implicit)

The first premise is explicit and came from the definition of RedWine class is an owl:intersection of some rdf list (_:node1) that hold the classes that form the intersection. The second premise relates Merlo with some 'weird' predicate to the node from the intersection node. The inference is derived after applying the following rule:

    Id: owl_typeByIntersect_1

      a <onto:_allTypes> b  [Context <onto:_typeByInt>]
      c <owl:intersectionOf> b
      a <rdf:type> c

where 'a' is bound to Merlo and 'c' to RedWine

Let’s add (Merlo, \_allTypes, \_:node1) statement to the list of statements in the subselect that we used in the query. We change the subselect to use a UNION, where for the second part, the ?object is bound to the right bnode which we created by using the helper js:_bnode() function and providing the id as a literal :

select ?subject ?predicate ?object {
        values (?subject ?predicate ?object) {
            (<urn:Merlo> rdf:type <urn:RedWine>)
    } union {
        bind (jsfn:_bnode('node1') as ?object)
        values (?subject ?predicate) {
            (<urn:Merlo> <>)}

let’s evaluate it, the result is:

stmt rule premise
1 (Merlo, type, RedWine) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_1 (RedWine, intersectionOf, _:node1, explicit)
2 (Merlo, type, RedWine) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_1 Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1, implicit)
3 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_3 (_:node1, first, RedThing, explicit)
4 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_3 (_:node1, rest, _:node2, explicit)
5 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_3 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node2, implicit)
6 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_3 (Merlo, type, RedThing, implicit)

we see that (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1) is derived by rule owl_typeByIntersect_3:

Id: owl_typeByIntersect_3

      a <rdf:first> b
      d <rdf:type> b
      a <rdf:rest> c
      d <onto:_allTypes> c  [Context <onto:_typeByInt>]
      d <onto:_allTypes> a  [Context <onto:_typeByInt>]

where we have 2 explicit and two inferred statements matching the premises (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node2) and (Merlo, type, RedThing)

let’s add to the list (Merlo, type, RedThing) first, the subselect is changed to:

select ?subject ?predicate ?object {
                values (?subject ?predicate ?object) {
                    (<urn:Merlo> rdf:type <urn:RedWine>)
                    (<urn:Merlo> rdf:type <urn:RedThing>)
            } union {
                bind (jsfn:_bnode('node1') as ?object)
                values (?subject ?predicate) {
                    (<urn:Merlo> <>)}

the result is:

stmt rule premise
1 (Merlo, type, RedWine) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_1 (RedWine, intersectionOf, _:node1, explicit)
2 (Merlo, type, RedWine) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_1 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1, implicit)
3 (Merlo, type, RedThing) rule_owl_typeByHasVal (RedThing, onProperty, color, explicit)
4 (Merlo, type, RedThing) rule_owl_typeByHasVal (Merlo, color, Red, explicit)
5 (Merlo, type, RedThing) rule_owl_typeByHasVal (RedThing, hasValue, Red, explicit)
6 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_3 (_:node1, first, RedThing, explicit)
7 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_3 (_:node1, rest, _:node2, explicit)
8 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_3 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node2, implicit)
9 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_3 (Merlo, type, RedThing, implicit)

we see that the (Merlo, type, RedThing) is derived by matching rule owl_typeByHasVal with all explicit premises:

Id: owl_typeByHasVal

      a <owl:onProperty> b
      a <owl:hasValue> c
      d b c
      d <rdf:type> a

where 'a' is bound to RedThing and 'd' to Merlo (along the rest)

Let’s add the other implicit statement that matched the owl_typeByInterset_3 rule (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node2)

For that we add another argument to the UNION in the subselect by introducing the _:node2 using the same js_bnode() function. The subselect looks like that:

        select ?subject ?predicate ?object {
                values (?subject ?predicate ?object) {
                    (<urn:Merlo> rdf:type <urn:RedWine>)
                    (<urn:Merlo> rdf:type <urn:RedThing>)
            } union {
                bind (jsfn:_bnode('node1') as ?object)
                values (?subject ?predicate) {
                    (<urn:Merlo> <>) }
            } union {
                bind (jsfn:_bnode('node2') as ?object)
                values (?subject ?predicate) {
                    (<urn:Merlo> <>) }

if we evaluate it:

stmt rule premise
1 (Merlo, type, RedWine) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_1 (RedWine, intersectionOf, _:node1, explicit)
2 (Merlo, type, RedWine) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_1 Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1, implicit)
3 (Merlo, type, RedThing) rule_owl_typeByHasVal (RedThing, onProperty, color, explicit)
4 (Merlo, type, RedThing) rule_owl_typeByHasVal (Merlo, color, Red, explicit)
5 (Merlo, type, RedThing) rule_owl_typeByHasVal (RedThing, hasValue, Red, explicit)
6 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_3 (_:node1, first, RedThing, explicit)
7 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_3 (_:node1, rest, _:node2, explicit)
8 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_3 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node2, implicit)
9 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_3 (Merlo, type, RedThing, implicit)
10 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node2) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_2 (_:node2, first, Wine, explicit)
11 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node2) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_2 (_:node2, rest, nil, explicit)
12 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node2) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_2 (Merlo, type, Wine, implicit)

The statement (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node2) was derived by owl_typeByIntersect_2 and the only implicit statement matching as premise is (Merlo, type, Wine)

The owl_typeByIntersect_2 rule looks like:

    Id: owl_typeByIntersect_2

      a <rdf:first> b
      a <rdf:rest> <rdf:nil>
      c <rdf:type> b
      c <onto:_allTypes> a  [Context <onto:_typeByInt>]

where 'c' is bound to Merlo and 'b' to Wine

Let’s add the (Merlo, type, Wine) to the subselect we used to explore as another UNION using VALUES

        select ?subject ?predicate ?object {
                values (?subject ?predicate ?object) {
                    (<urn:Merlo> rdf:type <urn:RedWine>)
                    (<urn:Merlo> rdf:type <urn:RedThing>)
            } union {
                bind (jsfn:_bnode('node1') as ?object)
                values (?subject ?predicate) {
                    (<urn:Merlo> <>)}
            } union {
        bind (jsfn:_bnode('node2') as ?object)
                values (?subject ?predicate) {
                    (<urn:Merlo> <>)}
            } union {
                values (?subject ?predicate ?object) {
                    (<urn:Merlo> rdf:type <urn:Wine>)

and evaluate the query again, the results were enriched with solutions 13-16:

stmt rule premise
1 (Merlo, type, RedWine) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_1 (RedWine, intersectionOf, _:node1, explicit)
2 (Merlo, type, RedWine) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_1 Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1, implicit)
3 (Merlo, type, RedThing) rule_owl_typeByHasVal (RedThing, onProperty, color, explicit)
4 (Merlo, type, RedThing) rule_owl_typeByHasVal (Merlo, color, Red, explicit)
5 (Merlo, type, RedThing) rule_owl_typeByHasVal (RedThing, hasValue, Red, explicit)
6 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_3 (_:node1, first, RedThing, explicit)
7 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_3 (_:node1, rest, _:node2, explicit)
8 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_3 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node2, implicit)
9 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_3 (Merlo, type, RedThing, implicit)
10 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node2) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_2 (_:node2, first, Wine, explicit)
11 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node2) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_2 (_:node2, rest, nil, explicit)
12 (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node2) rule_owl_typeByIntersect_2 (Merlo, type, Wine, implicit)
13 (Merlo, type, Wine) rule_owl_typeBySomeVal (Wine, onProperty, component, explicit)
14 (Merlo, type, Wine) rule_owl_typeBySomeVal (Wine, someValuesFrom, Grape, explicit)
15 (Merlo, type, Wine) rule_owl_typeBySomeVal (Merlo, component, MerloGrape, explicit)
16 (Merlo, type, Wine) rule_owl_typeBySomeVal (MerloGrape, type, Grape, explicit)

These come from rule owl_typeBySomeVal where all premises matching it were explicit The rule looks like:

    Id: owl_typeBySomeVal

      a <rdf:type> b
      c <owl:onProperty> d
      c <owl:someValuesFrom> b
      e d a
      e <rdf:type> c

where 'e' is bound to Merlo, 'd' to has:component, 'a' to MerloGrape, 'b' to Grape etc.

So the chain is rather obscure but we ended with a proof to how the inferencer derived (<urn:Merlo> rdf:type <urn:RedWine>):

  • (Merlo, type, Wine) was derived by rule owl_typeBySomeVal from all explicit statements
  • (Merlo, type, RedThing) was derived by rule owl_typeByHasVal from explicit statements
  • (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node2) was derived by rule owl_typeByIntersect_2 with combination of some explicit and the inferred (Merlo, type, Wine)
  • (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1) was derived by rule owl_typeByIntersect_3 with combination of explicit and inferred (Merlo, type, RedThing) and (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node2)
  • and finally the (Merlo, type, RedWine) was derived by owl_typeByIntersect_1 from explicit (RedWine, intersectionOf, _:node1) and inferred (Merlo, _allTypes, _:node1)


GraphDB Proof Plugin. Can be used to find which rules fired to derive particular statement







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