Visualize and manage your Flipper Zero animations directly from your computer.
Builds are available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Download the latest version for your distribution from the Releases.
See wiki for basic usage guide
Install dependencies:
# On Linux
sudo apt install libsdl2-dev g++ make
# On Mac OS (be sure to have g++ and make installed, via XCode for example)
brew install sdl2
Clone the repository:
git clone && cd FlipperAnimationManager
Building the project:
The binary will be located in build
Clone the project or download a zipped copy of it.
Download the SDL2 library from the releases (the archive) and extract it somewhere in the computer.
Open the FlipperAM.sln
file with Visual Studio.
Then, go to project settings and replace any %SDL2_DIR% you find in the compiler and linker section by the path of the SDL2 directory previously downloaded. An alternative method is to directly open the FlipperAM.vcxproj file and replace by hand every %SDL2_DIR% by the path of the SDL2 directory.
Select the Release configuration and build the project, the output binary will be located in Release
Note: You will have to get a copy of SDL2.dll
from the SDL repository (it's in the archive) and have it alongside the .exe in order to run the application.
Install the following dependencies via the command line tool:
pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-SDL2
Clone the repository:
git clone && cd FlipperAnimationManager
Building the project:
The binary will be located in build
Pull requests are welcome. Feel free to open an issue if you want to request/discuss other features.