The Frontbase C libraries must be installed in order to use this package.
Follow the README of the CFBCAccess repo to get started.
This section outlines how to import the FluentFrontbase package for use in a Vapor project.
Include the Frontbase package in your project's Package.swift
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "Project",
dependencies: [
.package (url: "", from: "3.0.0"),
.package (url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
targets: [ ... ]
The FluentFrontbase package adds Frontbase access to your project, either directly or by using the Fluent ORM.
import Frontbase
// Register providers first
try services.register (FluentFrontbaseProvider())
// Configure a Frontbase database
let frontbase = FrontbaseDatabase (name: "Universe", onHost: "localhost", username: "_system", password: "secret")
/// Register the configured Frontbase database to the database config.
var databases = DatabasesConfig()
databases.add (database: frontbase, as: .frontbase)
services.register (databases)
services.register (Databases.self)
router.get ("planets", Int.parameter) { req -> Future<View> in
let galaxyID = try (Int.self)
return req.withPooledConnection (to: .frontbase) { conn in
Planet.query (on: conn)
.filter (\Planet.galaxyId == galaxyID)
.sort (\, .ascending)
}.flatMap { (rows: [Planet]) -> Future<View> in
return try req.view().render ("planets", [
"planets": rows
router.get ("planets", Int.parameter) { req -> Future<View> in
let galaxyID = try (Int.self)
return req.withPooledConnection (to: .frontbase) { conn in
return conn.raw("SELECT id, name FROM Planet WHERE galaxyID = ? ORDER BY name;")
.bind (galaxyID)
.all (decoding: Planet.self)
}.flatMap { (rows: [Planet]) -> Future<View> in
return try req.view().render ("planets", [
"planets": rows