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Dynamic Integration Service

Dynamic Integration Service

This node.js application dynamically adds integrated services to MCF.



The first dependency to get started is Node.js and NPM. NPM comes with Node.js; just install packages with NPM to get started. To start up the Dynamic Integration Service, node version 12.18.3 or greater is required. See for information on Node.js.


The second dependency is Redis. Redis is used for storing service configurations and updating MCF sessions with authentication tokens.

Source Code

  1. Clone the Dynamic Integration Service by running git clone
  2. Navigate to the directory with cd dis

Getting Started

  1. Install dependencies by running yarn install or npm install.
  2. Run the Dynamic Integration Service by running yarn start or npm start.

Adding New Services

  1. In the services-config.js file, add a new object block for your service. Example

        name: 'NAME_OF_SERVICE',
        protocol: 'http/https',
  2. In the services folder, create a .js file the same name as the service name. This file should export a class and must have the method handleAuth implemented. The following parameters will be passed:

     @param {Object} message the object containing the properties below.
     @param {String} message.sessionId the session ID for the user.
     @param {String} message.user the users username.
     @param {String} message.token the users MCF token.
     @param {Boolean} message.exists true/false if users integration key exists. in MCF
  3. Add auth token to user session. Example below.

    // Get the users session
    let session = await this.publisher.get(`sess:${message.sessionId}`);
    session = JSON.parse(session);
    // Store token in users session
    session['SERVICENAME_token'] = 'AUTH_TOKEN';
    this.publisher.set(`sess:${message.sessionId}`, JSON.stringify(session));
  4. Next, in the index.js file, import the class and add a property to the serviceClasses object creating a new instance to the service class you created. Make sure the property is the same name as the service.

  5. Create a .env file in the root directory and copy the contents from the example.env file. Update the following Environment Variables.

    # this should be false in production
    # this should be true in production
    # port you want the dynamic service to run on
    # path to the key file. this is required in production.
    # path to the cert file. this is required in production.
    # URL to MCF
    # redis host url or alias
    # redis port
    # redis database
    # encryption secret/pasphrase. this should be replaced using a cryptographically secure method like `openssl rand -base64 16`

Feel free to add specific configuration for new services.

That's it!
