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daRabbit edited this page Jan 23, 2019 · 5 revisions

Black Arachnid, the Broodmother, is a melee agility hero who is pretty mobile and capable to dish out lots of damage with lifesteal and burst in hand.

Difference to vanilla

  • Max amount of Spin Web rescaled.
  • Talent changes for balance.


Q: Spawn Spiderlings

Ability: Target Unit
Affects: Enemies
Damage Type: Magical
Pierces Spell Immunity: No
Dispellable: Yes
100 mana || 11/10/9/8/8/8 cooldown

Broodmother injects her young into an enemy unit, dealing damage. The spiderlings will hatch if the target is killed while under this influence.

Cast Range: 700
Cast Point: 0.2
Debuff Duration: 2
Number of Spiderlings: 1/2/3/4/8/14
Spiderling Duration: 60
Damage: 70/140/210/280/630/980 (Talent 145/215/285/355/705/1055)

  • Brief stat of spiderlings and spiderlite
    Spiderlings HP: 380 (Talent 1080)
    Spiderlings Damage: 14-16 (Talent 64‒66)
    Spiderlite HP: 200 (Talent 900)
    Spiderlite Damage: 9-10 (Talent 59-60)


W: Spin Web

Ability: Target Unit
Affects: Self
50 mana || 45 cooldown/charge

Spins a large web that grants Broodmother a passive movement speed increase, gives free movement, and boosts regeneration while in its vicinity. Spin Web charges restore every seconds. Spin Web can be cast from anywhere as long as the new web touches an existing web. Webs never expire, and can be manually destroyed. When the maximum limit of webs is exceeded, the oldest web disappears.

Cast Range: 1000
Cast Point: 0.4
Number of Web Charges: 2/4/6/8/12/16
Max Amount of Webs: 6/8/10/12/14/16
Health Regen Bonus: 3/6/9/12/22/35
Move Speed Bonus: 25%/40%/55%/70%/90%/120%

-Webs can be destroyed manually by destroy spin web.


E: Incapacitating Bite

Ability: Passive
Affects: Enemies
Pierces Spell Immunity: No
Dispellable: Yes

Broodmother's venom cripples enemy units, causing her attacks to slow and giving the affected unit a chance to miss its attacks.

Miss Chance: 30%/40%/50%/60%/70%/80%
Move Speed Slow: 16%/26%/36%/46%/56%/66%
Duration: 2


R: Insatiable Hunger

Ability: No Target
Affects: Self
Dispellable: No
100 mana || 45 cooldown

A violent lust for vital fluids increases Broodmother's attack damage and gives her a vampiric attack.

Cast Point: 0.2
Bonus Attack Damage: 60/100/140/280/420 (Talent 120/160/200/340/480)
Bonus Lifesteal: 60%/100%/140%/280%/420% (Talent 120%/160%/200%/340%/480%)
Duration: 14


+700 Spiders Health


+60 Insatiable Hunger
+50 Attack Speed


+50 Spiders Damage
+45 Damage


20% Cooldown
+200 Health


+100 Spawn Spiderlings


  • Currently none, for now.
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