Vagrant and Puppet scripts to create a Virtual Box VM running the Open Bank Project Server / API
Make it easy for a developer to start running a local instance of the OBP Server / API
Apache 2
Works fine with http://files.vagrantup.com/precise64.box, some tweaking and testing in progress
The project uses a Vagrant+Puppet to create/modify a virtualbox-machine, so obviously you'll need Vagrant and VirtualBox installed.
apt-get install vagrant virtualbox
The next step would be to clone this git-repo, if not allready done:
git clone https://github.com/OpenBankProject/OBP-VM
Finally we have to start the process by calling
vagrant up
(from the root directory)
Now go and grab some coffee, it could take a while :)
After finishing the OpenBankProject-Server should run at
The entry to the API is
And an example call:
For the API documentation see: https://github.com/OpenBankProject/OBP-API/wiki/OBP-Public-Facing-REST-API-V1.0-DRAFT
For ssh access to the vagrant box, the username/password is vagrant/vagrant
##Further commands
Open Postgres shell (password is "obp_password")
(Postgres is used for storing OBP website accounts and oauth accounts)
vagrant ssh -c "psql -U obp_login -d obp -h localhost"
Open MongoDB shell
vagrant ssh -c "mongo localhost/OBP006"
Create new MongoDB banking database
vagrant ssh -c "mongo localhost/OBP006 /vagrant/configs/mktestdb.js"
Restart jetty
vagrant ssh -c "service jetty restart"
- Some GUI at
- Place an up to date-warfile in the obps-gitrepo so there's no need to compile on creation of a vm
Vagrant config file; things like port forwarding and file access for the vm. In fact just port forwarding and file access for the vm.
THE puppet file;
other files needed like configs for jetty, maven and the mongodb-creation script