This plugin provides a template for creating OpenC3 Tools in Vue
- Edit vue.config.js and replace "templatevue" with the name of your new tool
- Edit plugin.txt and replace "templatevue" and "Template Vue" with the name of your tool
- Edit plugin.txt and change ICON to something appropriate for your tool. You can pick any icon from Just add mdi- in front of the icon name.
- Edit package.json and update the name
- Rename the .gemspec file to the name of your plugin
- Edit the .gemspec file fields: name, summary, description, authors, email, and homepage
- Update the LICENSE.txt file with your company name
- yarn
- rake build VERSION=1.0.0
If you don’t have a local node environment, you can use our openc3-node container to build custom tools and custom widgets
Mac / Linux:
docker run -it -v `pwd`:/openc3/local:z -w /openc3/local sh
docker run -it -v %cd%:/openc3/local -w /openc3/local sh
- yarn
- rake build VERSION=1.0.0
- Go to the OpenC3 Admin Tool, Plugins Tab
- Select your newly built plugin (ie. openc3-tool-template-vue-1.0.0.gem)
- Click Install
We encourage you to contribute to OpenC3!
Contributing is easy.
- Fork the project
- Create a feature branch
- Make your changes
- Submit a pull request
Before any contributions can be incorporated we do require all contributors to agree to a Contributor License Agreement
This protects both you and us and you retain full rights to any code you write.
This OpenC3 plugin is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt