This is the OpenChirp service that manages the synchronization to Brocaars' lora-app-server for LoRaWAN clients.
This service always makes an additional REST request to fetch device information upon receiving a new device to link. It uses the device's pubsub topic, name, and owner info.
Key Name | Required? | Key Description | Key Example |
DevEUI |
Required | A device's unique identifier (8 byte hexadecimal) | 1122334455667788 |
AppKey |
Required | The encryption key used while joining (8 byte hexadecimal) | 11223344556677881122334455667788 |
Class |
Optional | The protocol class to use (A, B, or C) | A |
AppEUI |
No Longer Used | An application identifier (8 byte hexadecimal) | 0000000000000000 |