The SURFnet Step-up U2F Bundle contains server-side device verification, and the necessary forms and resources to enable client-side U2F interaction with Step-up Identities
Add the package to your Composer file
composer require surfnet/stepup-u2f-bundle
Add the bundle to your kernel in
public function registerBundles() { // ... $bundles[] = new Surfnet\StepupU2fBundle\SurfnetStepupU2fBundle(); }
# config.yml
app_id: 'https://application.tld/U2F/AppID'
/** @Template */
public function registerDeviceAction(Request $request)
$service = $this->get('surfnet_stepup_u2f.service.u2f');
$registerRequest = $service->requestRegistration();
$registerResponse = new RegisterResponse();
$form = $this->createForm('surfnet_stepup_u2f_register_device', $registerResponse, [
'register_request' => $registerRequest,
if (!$form->isValid()) {
$this->get('my.session.bag')->set('request', $registerRequest);
return ['form' => $form->createView()];
$result = $service->verifyRegistration(
if ($result->wasSuccessful()) {
$registration = $result->getRegistration());
// ...
} elseif ($result->handleAllErrorMethods()) {
// Display an error to the user and allow him/her to retry with a new request
Note: Don't display the registration form after an error: the browser or device may immediately respond with the same error, causing an infinite form submission loop. Let the user device whether to initiate a new registration.
/** @Template */
public function verifyDeviceAuthenticationAction(Request $request)
$service = $this->get('surfnet_stepup_u2f.service.authentication');
$signRequest = $service->requestAuthentication();
$signResponse = new SignResponse();
$form = $this->createForm('surfnet_stepup_u2f_verify_device_authentication', $signResponse, [
'sign_request' => $signRequest,
if (!$form->isValid()) {
$this->get('my.session.bag')->set('request', $signRequest);
return ['form' => $form->createView()];
$result = $service->verifyAuthentication(
if ($result->wasSuccessful()) {
// ...
} elseif ($result->handleAllErrorMethods()) {
// Display an error to the user and allow him/her to retry with a new request
Note: Don't display the authentication form after an error: the browser or device may immediately respond with the same error, causing an infinite form submission loop. Let the user device whether to initiate a new authentication.