A snapshot of the OGM Forum. Archived via wget on 2022-02-18.
Browseable version at https://forum.openglobalmind.com/.
Git version at https://github.com/OpenGlobalMind/forum.openglobalmind.com.
https://forum.openglobalmind.com/ is now a static snapshot, and the EC2 server is stopped.
The snapshot is less than perfect, but much better than I was hoping for. It was produced with wget
and a careful selection of flags:
time wget --mirror --page-requisites --convert-links --restrict-file-names=windows --restrict-file-names=lowercase --adjust-extension --compression=auto --reject-regex "/search" --no-if-modified-since --no-check-certificate --execute robots=off --wait=1 --user-agent="Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)" https://forum.openglobalmind.com/
(via How to Archive or Download a Discourse Forum with Wget - Let's WP, with modifications; --restrict-file-names=windows --restrict-file-names=lowercase
is important, otherwise you can get ?
characters in the filename, which is not good for deployment)
The files are also in a GitHub repo, https://github.com/OpenGlobalMind/forum.openglobalmind.com/ where you can download a zip archive of all the files. That's also the way I hope to make the archive searchable (e.g., https://github.com/OpenGlobalMind/forum.openglobalmind.com/search?q=foobar), but GitHub is taking a long time to index the repo. (There are a lot of HTML files, and also binary uploads and pre-resized versions of images, so the whole repo is kinda big.)
I also created https://fjb-forum-openglobalmind-com.netlify.app/, which archives the private FJB channels. It is password-protected; I'll post the password in the "Free Jerry's Brain" private channel. Its repo is https://github.com/OpenGlobalMind/fjb-forum.openglobalmind.com/ (access restricted to FJB admins).
And lastly, I downloaded the Discourse-generated backup for the site, which consists of a SQL database dump and the uploaded files. Let me know if you'd like a copy. It's ~84Mb.
There are a variety of ways to make the snapshot better, and I'll write down some of those, but I don't have plans to do more for now. Please also feel free to add issues at the repo: https://github.com/OpenGlobalMind/forum.openglobalmind.com/issues.