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Connecting with Interfaces

Mike edited this page Jan 22, 2024 · 5 revisions

Interface Events

All Interfaces have the same four Events:

  • OnTunnelRequest: Is Invoked when the Interface receives a Request. (GroupValueWrite, IndividualAddressRead, etc.)
  • OnTunnelResponse: Is Invoked when the Interface receives a Response. (GroupValueReadResponse, MemoryReadResponse, etc.)
  • OnAck: Is Invoked when the Interface receives an Ack.
  • OnSearchResponse: Is Invoked when the Interface receives a SearchResponse.


You can connect to an IP-Interface by using IP-Tunneling.

await _connIp.Connect();
await Task.Delay(5000);
await _connIp.Disconnect();

If you already have the IPEndPoint you can create the connection like this:

IPEndPoint endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 3671);
IKnxConnection _connIp = new KnxIpTunneling(endpoint);


To connect to an IP-Router you don't need the ip or port.
You also don't need the methods connect or disconnect.

IKnxConnection _connIp = new KnxIpRouting(); //Will connect to broadcast Ip ""
//await _connIp.Connect(); Method Connect won't have any affect
//await _connIp.Disconnect(); Will also have no affect


ConnectedDeviceDefinition def; //See Device.Net on how to get ConnectedDeviceDefinition
IKnxConnection _connUsb = new KnxUsbTunneling(def);
await _connUsb.Connect();
await Task.Delay(5000);
await _connUsb.Disconnect();

For now you will have to open ETS to make it work.
Often you can't connect to the usb interface without ets.

Search for Interfaces

You can search for Interfaces in your Local Network.
Please use IP-Routing for searches (do not connect with IP-Tunneling to broadcast IP).

KnxIpRouting _connIp = new KnxIpRouting();
_connIp.OnSearchResponse += HandleSearchResponse;
private void HandleSearchResponse(MsgSearchResp message)
    Debug.WriteLine($"Found: {message.FriendlyName} (PA: {message.PhAddr.ToString()})");
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