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openfast example based on 3.4MW iea ref turbine
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ptrbortolotti committed Jun 21, 2024
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# Compact Formulation 1A OpenFAST Example

This example loads a .out file generated by the popular aeroserohydroelastic
solver [OpenFAST](, which is released by
the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory to simulate wind turbines,
and then constructs the types used by AcousticAnalogies.jl for acoustic predictions.
The example simulates the acoustic emissions of the 3.4MW land-based reference wind
turbine released by the International Wind Energy Agency. The OpenFAST model is available at

We start by loading Julia dependencies, which are available in the General registry
```@example first_example
module iea3p4
using AcousticAnalogies
using AcousticMetrics
using ColorSchemes: colorschemes
using GLMakie
using DelimitedFiles
using KinematicCoordinateTransformations
using LinearAlgebra: ×
using StaticArrays
using AcousticMetrics
using Statistics
using Interpolations
nothing # hide

Next, we set the user-defined inputs:
* number of blades, usually 3 for modern wind turbines
* hub radius in m, it is specified in the ElastoDyn main input file of OpenFAST
* blade spanwise grid in m and the corresponding chord, also in m. The two arrays are specified in the AeroDyn15 blade input file
* Observer location in the global coordinate frame (located at the rotor center, x points downwind, z points vertically up, and y points sideways). In this case we picked the IEC-prescribed location (turbine height on the ground) by specifying the hub heigth of 110 m.
* Air density and speed of sound
* Path to the OpenFAST .out file. The file must contain these channels: Time (always available), Wind1VelX from InflowWind, RotSpeed from ElastoDyn, Nodal outputs Fxl and Fyl from AeroDyn15. the file is available in the repo under test/gen_test_data/openfast_data

```@example first_example
num_blades = 3
Rhub = 2.
BlSpn = [0.0000e+00, 2.1692e+00, 4.3385e+00, 6.5077e+00, 8.6770e+00, 1.0846e+01, 1.3015e+01, 1.5184e+01,
1.7354e+01, 1.9523e+01, 2.1692e+01, 2.3861e+01, 2.6031e+01, 2.8200e+01, 3.0369e+01, 3.2538e+01,
3.4708e+01, 3.6877e+01, 3.9046e+01, 4.1215e+01, 4.3385e+01, 4.5554e+01, 4.7723e+01,
4.9892e+01, 5.2062e+01, 5.4231e+01, 5.6400e+01, 5.8570e+01, 6.0739e+01, 6.2908e+01]
Chord = [2.600e+00, 2.645e+00, 3.020e+00, 3.437e+00, 3.781e+00, 4.036e+00, 4.201e+00,
4.284e+00, 4.288e+00, 4.223e+00, 4.098e+00, 3.923e+00, 3.709e+00, 3.468e+00, 3.220e+00,
2.986e+00, 2.770e+00, 2.581e+00, 2.412e+00, 2.266e+00, 2.142e+00, 2.042e+00, 1.964e+00,
1.909e+00, 1.870e+00, 1.807e+00, 1.666e+00, 1.387e+00, 9.172e-01, 1.999e-01]
file_path = joinpath(@__DIR__, "IEA-3.4-130-RWT.out")
HH = 110. # m
RSpn = BlSpn .+ Rhub
x0 = @SVector [HH .+ RSpn[end], 0.0, -HH]
rho = 1.225 # kg/m^3
c0 = 340.0 # m/s
nothing # hide

After that, we start with the same computations specified in the other examples. Refer to those before jumping onto this example.

```@example first_example
# Compute the mid-section locations in radial coordinates, m
radii = 0.5.*(RSpn[begin:end-1] .+ RSpn[begin+1:end])
# Compute the length of each section along blade span, m
dradii = RSpn[begin+1:end] .- RSpn[begin:end-1]
# Compute the blade angles
θs = 2*pi/num_blades.*(0:(num_blades-1))
# Create a linear interpolation object to interpolate chord onto the radial mid-points
itp = LinearInterpolation(RSpn, Chord)
# Perform interpolation
chord = itp(radii)
# Cross-sectional area of each element in m**2. This is taking a bit of a shortcut
cs_area_over_chord_squared = 0.064
cs_area = cs_area_over_chord_squared.*chord.^2
# Code to parse the data from the OpenFAST .out file
# Function to parse a line of data, converting strings to floats
function parse_line(line)
# Split the line by whitespace and filter out any empty strings
elements = filter(x -> !isempty(x), split(line))
# Convert elements to Float64
return map(x -> parse(Float64, x), elements)
# Initialize an empty array to store the data
data = []
# Open the file and read the data, skipping the first 8 lines
open(file_path) do file
# Skip the first 8 lines (header and description)
for i in 1:8
# Read the rest of the lines and parse them
for line in eachline(file)
push!(data, parse_line(line))
# Convert the data to an array of arrays (matrix)
data = reduce(hcat, data)
time = data[1, :]
avg_wind_speed = mean(data[2, :])
sim_length_s = time[end] - time[1] # s
@show length(time)
# Reopen the file and read the lines
lines = open(file_path) do f
# Find the index of the line that contains the column headers
header_index = findfirst(x -> startswith(x, "Time"), lines)
# Extract the headers
headers = split(lines[header_index], '\t')
id_b1_Fx = findfirst(x -> x == "AB1N001Fxl", headers)
id_b2_Fx = findfirst(x -> x == "AB2N001Fxl", headers)
id_b3_Fx = findfirst(x -> x == "AB3N001Fxl", headers)
id_b1_Fy = findfirst(x -> x == "AB1N001Fyl", headers)
id_b2_Fy = findfirst(x -> x == "AB2N001Fyl", headers)
id_b3_Fy = findfirst(x -> x == "AB3N001Fyl", headers)
id_rot_speed = findfirst(x -> x == "RotSpeed", headers)
n_elems = length(radii)
Fx_b1_locs = data[id_b1_Fx:id_b1_Fx+n_elems,:]
Fy_b1_locs = data[id_b1_Fy:id_b1_Fy+n_elems,:]
Fx_b2_locs = data[id_b2_Fx:id_b2_Fx+n_elems,:]
Fy_b2_locs = data[id_b2_Fy:id_b2_Fy+n_elems,:]
Fx_b3_locs = data[id_b3_Fx:id_b3_Fx+n_elems,:]
Fy_b3_locs = data[id_b3_Fy:id_b3_Fy+n_elems,:]
# Reinterpolate onto the mid-sections
Fx_b1 = Array{Float64}(undef, 29, 6001)
Fx_b2 = Array{Float64}(undef, 29, 6001)
Fx_b3 = Array{Float64}(undef, 29, 6001)
Fy_b1 = Array{Float64}(undef, 29, 6001)
Fy_b2 = Array{Float64}(undef, 29, 6001)
Fy_b3 = Array{Float64}(undef, 29, 6001)
for j in axes(Fx_b1_locs, 2)
itp = LinearInterpolation(RSpn, Fx_b1_locs[:, j], extrapolation_bc=Line())
Fx_b1[:, j] = itp(radii)
for j in axes(Fx_b2_locs, 2)
itp = LinearInterpolation(RSpn, Fx_b2_locs[:, j], extrapolation_bc=Line())
Fx_b2[:, j] = itp(radii)
for j in axes(Fx_b3_locs, 2)
itp = LinearInterpolation(RSpn, Fx_b3_locs[:, j], extrapolation_bc=Line())
Fx_b3[:, j] = itp(radii)
for j in axes(Fy_b1_locs, 2)
itp = LinearInterpolation(RSpn, Fy_b1_locs[:, j], extrapolation_bc=Line())
Fy_b1[:, j] = itp(radii)
for j in axes(Fy_b2_locs, 2)
itp = LinearInterpolation(RSpn, Fy_b2_locs[:, j], extrapolation_bc=Line())
Fy_b2[:, j] = itp(radii)
for j in axes(Fy_b3_locs, 2)
itp = LinearInterpolation(RSpn, Fy_b3_locs[:, j], extrapolation_bc=Line())
Fy_b3[:, j] = itp(radii)
# Extract the mean rotor speed
omega_rpm = mean(data[id_rot_speed,:])
nothing # hide

Once we are here we have parsed the OpenFAST output file and are ready to run the F1A code.
Before that, let's plot the unsteady loading acting on the wind turbine blade.

```@example first_example
# Let's plot the unsteady loading 1 of every 500 timesteps
# x-axis is the span position (mid-sections)
# times are indicated by the colorbar on the right of the plot.
@assert size(Fx_b1) == size(Fx_b2) == size(Fx_b3) == size(Fy_b1) == size(Fy_b2) == size(Fy_b3)
ntimes_loading = size(Fx_b1, 2)
fig = Figure()
ax11 = fig[1, 1] = Axis(fig, xlabel="Span Position (m)", ylabel="Fx (N/m)", title="blade 1")
ax21 = fig[2, 1] = Axis(fig, xlabel="Span Position (m)", ylabel="Fy (N/m)")
ax12 = fig[1, 2] = Axis(fig, xlabel="Span Position (m)", ylabel="Fx (N/m)", title="blade 2")
ax22 = fig[2, 2] = Axis(fig, xlabel="Span Position (m)", ylabel="Fy (N/m)")
ax13 = fig[1, 3] = Axis(fig, xlabel="Span Position (m)", ylabel="Fx (N/m)", title="blade 3")
ax23 = fig[2, 3] = Axis(fig, xlabel="Span Position (m)", ylabel="Fy (N/m)")
bpp = 60/omega_rpm/num_blades
colormap = colorschemes[:viridis]
for tidx in 1:500:ntimes_loading
cidx = (time[tidx] - time[1])/sim_length_s
l1 = lines!(ax11, radii, Fx_b1[:,tidx], label ="b1", color=colormap[cidx])
l1 = lines!(ax12, radii, Fx_b2[:,tidx], label ="b2", color=colormap[cidx])
l1 = lines!(ax13, radii, Fx_b3[:,tidx], label ="b3", color=colormap[cidx])
l2 = lines!(ax21, radii, Fy_b1[:,tidx], label ="b1", color=colormap[cidx])
l2 = lines!(ax22, radii, Fy_b2[:,tidx], label ="b2", color=colormap[cidx])
l2 = lines!(ax23, radii, Fy_b3[:,tidx], label ="b3", color=colormap[cidx])
linkxaxes!(ax21, ax11)
linkxaxes!(ax21, ax11)
linkxaxes!(ax12, ax11)
linkxaxes!(ax22, ax11)
linkxaxes!(ax13, ax11)
linkxaxes!(ax23, ax11)
linkyaxes!(ax12, ax11)
linkyaxes!(ax13, ax11)
linkyaxes!(ax22, ax21)
linkyaxes!(ax23, ax21)
hidexdecorations!(ax11, grid=false)
hidexdecorations!(ax12, grid=false)
hidexdecorations!(ax13, grid=false)
hideydecorations!(ax12, grid=false)
hideydecorations!(ax13, grid=false)
hideydecorations!(ax22, grid=false)
hideydecorations!(ax23, grid=false)
save(joinpath(@__DIR__, "Fx_t-all_time.png"), fig)
nothing # hide

Perfect, we are now ready to run the core of AcousticAnalogies.jl

```@example first_example
# To do F1A correctly, we need to put all source elements in a coordinate system that
# moves with the fluid, i.e. one in which the fluid appears stationary.
# So, to do that, we have the blades translating in the
# negative x direction at the average horizontal wind speed.
v = -avg_wind_speed # m/s
omega = omega_rpm * 2*pi/60 # rad/s
# some reshaping, ses[i, j, k] holds the CompactSourceElement at src_time[i], radii[j], and blade number k
θs = reshape(θs, 1, 1, :)
radii = reshape(radii, 1, :, 1)
dradii = reshape(dradii, 1, :, 1)
cs_area = reshape(cs_area, 1, :, 1)
src_times = reshape(time, :, 1, 1) # This isn't really necessary.
fx = cat(transpose(Fx_b1), transpose(Fx_b2), transpose(Fx_b3), dims=3)
fc = cat(transpose(Fy_b1), transpose(Fy_b2), transpose(Fy_b3), dims=3)
# source elements, with negative Fx
ses = CompactSourceElement.(rho, c0, radii, θs, dradii, cs_area, -fx, 0.0, fc, src_times)
t0 = 0.0 # Time at which the angle between the source and target coordinate systems is equal to offest.
offset = 0.0 # Angular offset between the source and target coordinate systems at t0.
# steady rotation around the x axis
rot_trans = SteadyRotXTransformation(t0, omega, offset)
# orient the rotation axis of the blades as it is the global frame
rot_axis = @SVector [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] # rotation axis aligned along global x-axis
blade_axis = @SVector [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] # blade 1 pointing up, along z-axis
global_trans = ConstantLinearMap(hcat(rot_axis, blade_axis, rot_axis×blade_axis))
# blade to move with the appropriate forward velocity, and
# start from the desired location in the global reference frame
y0_hub = @SVector [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # Position of the hub at time t0
v0_hub = SVector{3}(v.*rot_axis) # Constant velocity of the hub in the global reference frame
const_vel_trans = ConstantVelocityTransformation(t0, y0_hub, v0_hub)
# combine these three transformations into one, and then use that on the SourceElements
trans = compose.(src_times, Ref(const_vel_trans), compose.(src_times, Ref(global_trans), Ref(rot_trans)))
# trans will perform the three transformations from right to left (rot_trans, global_trans, const_vel_trans)
ses = ses .|> trans
# The ses object now describes how each blade element source is moving through the global reference
# frame over the time src_time. As it does this, it will emit acoustics that can be sensed by an acoustic observer
# (a human, or a microphone). The exact "amount" of acoustics the observer will experience depends
# on the relative location and motion between each source and the observer.
# This creates an acoustic observer moving with constant velocity v0_hub that is at location `x0` at time `t0`.
obs = ConstVelocityAcousticObserver(t0, x0, v0_hub)
# Now, in order to perform the F1A calculation,
# we need to know when each acoustic disturbance emitted
# by the source arrives at the observer. This is referred
# to an advanced time calculation, and is done this way:
apth = f1a.(ses, Ref(obs))
# We now have a noise prediction for each of the individual source elements in ses at the acoustic observer obs.
# What we ultimately want is the total noise prediction at obs—we want to add all the acoustic pressures in apth together.
# But we can't add them directly, yet, since the observer times are not all the same. What we need to do
# is first interpolate the apth of each source onto a common observer time grid, and then add them up.
# We'll do this using the AcousticAnalogies.combine function.
period = 2*pi/omega
bpp = period/num_blades # blade passing period
obs_time_range = sim_length_s/60*omega_rpm*bpp
# Note that we need to be careful to avoid extrapolation in the `combine` calculation.
# That won't happen in this case, since obs_time_range/sim_length_s is 1/3, so the observer time
# range is much less than the source time range.
# The observer time range is 1/3 of the source time range, and we're using the same number of
# simulation times, so that means the observer time step is 1/3 that of the source time step.
num_obs_times = length(time)
apth_total = combine(apth, obs_time_range, num_obs_times, 1)
# The loading data is unsteady, so we may need to be careful to window the time history
# to avoid problems with discontinuities going from the begining/end of the pressure time history.
nothing # hide

We can now have a look at the total acoustic pressure time history at the observer:

```@example first_example
fig = Figure()
ax1 = fig[1, 1] = Axis(fig, xlabel="time, s", ylabel="monopole, Pa")
ax2 = fig[2, 1] = Axis(fig, xlabel="time, s", ylabel="dipole, Pa")
ax3 = fig[3, 1] = Axis(fig, xlabel="time, s", ylabel="total, Pa")
l1 = lines!(ax1, time, apth_total.p_m)
l2 = lines!(ax2, time, apth_total.p_d)
l3 = lines!(ax3, time, apth_total.p_m.+apth_total.p_d)
hidexdecorations!(ax1, grid=false)
hidexdecorations!(ax2, grid=false)
save(joinpath(@__DIR__, "openfast-apth_total.png"), fig)
nothing # hide

The plot shows that the monopole/thickness noise is much lower than the dipole/loading noise.
Wind turbine blades are relatively slender, which would tend to reduce thickness noise.
Also the observer is downstream of the rotation plane, which is where loading noise is traditionally
thought to dominate (monopole/thickness noise is more significant in the rotor rotation plane, usually).

We now calculate the overall sound pressure level from the acoustic pressure time history.
Next, we will calculate the narrowband spectrum.
Finally, we will calculate the overall A-weighted sound pressure level from the narrowband spectrum.

```@example first_example
oaspl_from_apth = AcousticMetrics.OASPL(apth_total)
nbs = AcousticMetrics.MSPSpectrumAmplitude(apth_total)
oaspl_from_nbs = AcousticMetrics.OASPL(nbs)
(oaspl_from_apth, oaspl_from_nbs)
nothing # hide

As a last step, we create VTK files that one can visualize in Paraview (or similar software)

```@example first_example
name = joinpath(@__DIR__, "vtk", "iea3p4_vtk")
outfiles = AcousticAnalogies.to_paraview_collection(name, ses)
end # module
nothing # hide

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