- Intel Edison Arduino Breakout
- Grove - Starter Kit Plus
- One microUSB.
To learn the basic of intel Edison enter to: https://software.intel.com/es-es/iot/library/edison-getting-started
For the initial configuration enter to: https://theiotlearninginitiative.gitbooks.io/
To start developing in your Edison, you need have the initial configuration that is in the link above and you'll also need the following extra requirements.
echo "src intel-iotdk http://iotdk.intel.com/repos/1.1/intelgalactic" > /etc/opkg/intel-iotdk.conf
open the base-feeds.conf file:
vi /etc/opkg/base-feeds.conf
and add the following lines:
src/gz all http://repo.opkg.net/edison/repo/all
src/gz edison http://repo.opkg.net/edison/repo/edison
src/gz core2-32 http://repo.opkg.net/edison/repo/core2-32
- Enable uvm webcams.
- Install PIP.
- Install Git.
- Compile and install openalpr and its dependencies.
- Install pytesser.
opkg install python-numpy opencv python-opencv
- requests
- json
- pil
- Connect the Edison whit Grove - Starter Kit Plus
- Connect the bottom sensor Pin - 8
- Connect the touch sensor Pin - 4
- Connect the lcd Pin I2C - 4
- open configure.txt and add the names of your zones.
- in object_detect.py change the p1 and p2 values to fit the street of your parking lot.
python source/anpr.py
python source/ParkingV7.py
python object_detect.py cars2.xml 180 1 Z1
You need to clone our code from our git: https://github.com/OpenParking/Open-Parkinig---Edison.git
And access the directory Open-Parking--Edison and source
In our code, you can modify the pin´s that allow you to configure the sensors, for default we put the pin 4 with the touch sensor and the pin 8 with the button sensor.
Finally you have compile the file ParkingV7.py in wich you need to modify the url’s. In the initial configuration you'll have input the name of the zone that edison will be working on.