OpenST.js v0.9.4
OpenST.js is a library that helps developers integrate the functionality of the OpenST contracts in their (D)Apps.
OpenST.js simplifies deployment of the TokenHolder Contracts, TokenRules Contract, and token Rule Contracts, registration of Rule Contracts with the TokenRules contract and execution of the provided simple TransferRule to perform transfers between economy participants.
A TokenRules Contract keeps a list of all the registered rule contracts with their properties and helps in interacting with them. Rule contracts contain business logic that the economy creator uses to achieve their community or business goals. The organization deploys a TokenRules contract and registers custom Rules.
A TokenHolder Contract represents a participant in the Token Economy. The organization deploys one TokenHolder Contract per participant. The TokenHolder contract is a multi-sig contract with multiple ownership keys or wallets that can be controlled by a single human.
To get started with using OpenST.js, please use the README.
In order to make the best use of openst.js, we recommend working through the openst.js example in this repository to familiarize yourself with the functionality and usage of the library. This example walks you through registering rules, adding users, adding wallets to users, revoking ephemeral keys and other functionality in the context of a token economy.