Python wrapper to make Pelias look like SOLR (geosearch instance)
- install python 2.7, along easy_install, zc.buildout ("zc.buildout==1.5.2") and git
- git clone
- cd pelias.adapter
- buildout
- rm nohup.out; nohup bin/pserve config/development.ini --reload PELIAS_SOLR=1 &
- http://localhost:45454/solr/select?q=2
- http://localhost:45454/solr/boundary/select?q=8
- run the server (see above)
- bin/test
- try 'autocomplete' .. if that fails, try 'search'
- (or should we look at length of string and try 'search' first on longer strings?)
- fix 'same string' problem:
- remove duplicate points (strings 99% similar and lat/lon very close by)
- clean up duplicate strings (e.g., Starbucks problem)
- call Pelias with configurable url (sources=oa,osm,transit, etc...)
- if we get WoF a city record(s), then strip city from query string and resubmit (e.g., bad city problem)
- ...