3.0.9 (2022-05-04)
- Upgrade OpenSSL from 1.1.0j to 1.1.1o (#405, #407)
- We are buliding this ourselves now.
- Fix --version so it uses EASYRSA_OPENSSL (#416)
- Use openssl rand instead of non-POSIX mktemp (#478)
- Fix paths with spaces (#443)
- Correct OpenSSL version from Homebrew on macOs (#416)
- Fix revoking a renewed certificate (Original PR #394)
Follow-up commit: ef22701 - Introduce 'show-crl' (d199389)
- Support Windows-Git 'version of bash' (#533)
- Disallow use of single quote (') in vars file, Warning (#530)
- Creating a CA uses x509-types/ca and COMMON (#526)
- Prefer 'PKI/vars' over all other locations (#528)
- Introduce 'init-pki soft' option (#197)
- Warnings are no longer silenced by --batch (#523)
- Improve packaging options (#510)
*** Lots of work by Richard Bonhomme on this release! ***
What's Changed
- fixed renew filename confusion by @patchhoernchen in #443
- Introduce support for OpenSSL version 3 by @TinCanTech in #492
- small typo fix by @thesteve0 in #463
- Re-arrange "# Signing a request" to fix markdown problem by @TinCanTech in #495
- OpenSSL Configuration: Add required white space separator by @TinCanTech in #496
- Simple maintenance improvements by @a1346054 in #455
- Add possibility to configure umask by @faxm0dem in #460
- Update EasyRSA-Readme.md by @noah-de in #426
- Windows unit test: On error then exit with error by @TinCanTech in #500
- Bugfix/spaces in path by @markus-t314 in #427
- Expand new verify_ssl_lib() to support LibreSSL version 2.x (again) by @TinCanTech in #505
- Add SSL Library version 2 to easyrsa_openssl() by @TinCanTech in #507
- Introduce install_data_to_pki() - Copy data-files to PKI by @TinCanTech in #510
- When initialising a new PKI, create "$EASYRSA_PKI/vars' from example by @TinCanTech in #513
- Improve install_data_to_pki(): Create pki/vars at 'init-pki' by @TinCanTech in #514
- added support to specify open-ssl config file using --ssl-conf command flag by @mxc5178 in #67
- Add notice to 'init-pki': 'vars' file has now moved to PKI above by @TinCanTech in #515
- copy_data_to_pki(): Immediate exit-with-error or 'shift' on success by @TinCanTech in #516
- Add authority information access example by @IPv4v6 in #307
- Fix renew on OpenBSD by @pacija in #418
- Remove obsolete function copy_data_to_pki() by @wiscii in #521
- Make gen_req() Always use EASYRSA_REQ_CN as intended by @TinCanTech in #524
- Remove inline file for revoke and renew by @TinCanTech in #529
- Use x509-types 'ca' and COMMON when building a CA by @TinCanTech in #526
- shellcheck recommendations (Ongoing) by @TinCanTech in #527
- Separate silent-mode from batch-mode - Respect batch-mode by @TinCanTech in #523
- Introduce new vars_setup() regime by @TinCanTech in #528
- Silence cleanup() by @TinCanTech in #534
- Detect Windows and Git-for-Windows bash by @TinCanTech in #533
- Remove EASYRSA_EXTRA_EXTS code injection inside 'sed' script. by @TinCanTech in #535
- Disallow use of single quote (') in vars file by @TinCanTech in #530
- easyrsa_openssl() - Minor syle changes by @TinCanTech in #536
- build_ca() - Quote temporary password file "$out_key_pass_tmp" by @TinCanTech in #537
- Replace non-POSIX mktemp with POSIX mkdir and mv by @TinCanTech in #541
- Make build-ca() almost completely SSL library version independent by @TinCanTech in #542
- added option to set PKCS#12 alias name by @jdelker in #544
- Adds export-p1 command by @nkakouros in #341
- revoke(): Purge unquoted $opts + General improvements by @TinCanTech in #546
- Introduce 'revoke-renewed' by @TinCanTech in #547
- Display certificates in UTF8 by @AndersBlomdell in #551
- Set notBefore/notAfter to the beginning of the year to issuing certificate (v2) by @ValdikSS in #550
New Contributors
- @patchhoernchen made their first contribution in #443
- @thesteve0 made their first contribution in #463
- @noah-de made their first contribution in #426
- @markus-t314 made their first contribution in #427
- @mxc5178 made their first contribution in #67
- @pacija made their first contribution in #418
- @wiscii made their first contribution in #521
- @jdelker made their first contribution in #544
- @AndersBlomdell made their first contribution in #551
Full Changelog: v3.0.8...v3.0.9-rc1