Welcome! This squad will be going through the Linux+ Certification course on Cybertraining 365 together.
- Access to the Operation Code slack team
- Membership in the #squad-linux channel of the Operation Code slack team
- An account on Cybertraining 365 (note - these are free for us)
If you are missing any of the above, please reach out to Nell and she will get you fixed up :)
We will meet via zoom (the link will be distributed in the #squad-linux channel) every Saturday at 11 AM Pacific (except for drill weekends).
We will go over the lessons assigned the previous week and discuss, answer any questions, etc. We also might do some additional exercises as a group.
I will be including the assignments for each week - along with any supplementary material I recommend (though it will not be required) in this github repo.
If you have any questions, reach out in the #squad-linux channel!