Make sure you have JDK7 on your JAVA_HOME and Java Cryptography Extensions (JCE) installed.
cd haku
mvn clean install
cd haku-app
mvn tomcat7:run
If the site fails to load due to "Input validation failure", make sure you don't have any unwanted cookies stored for localhost on your browser.
Lomakkeet hakijalle: http://localhost:9090/haku-app/lomake/
Haku-app uses Spring profiles for running in different modes. Spring profile is selected using system property spring.profiles.active
, like this: -Dspring.profiles.active=devluokka
Here's a list of profiles we use:
is the default profile, that is the profile used in the test and production environments. Uses properties files found in ~/oph-configurationdev
uses local mongo database in port 27017 and mocked external dependenciesdevluokka
uses local mongo database and real external dependencies.Depends on property files in~/oph-configuration
. See below forit
starts an embedded Mongo server. This profile is used in the integration tests.
When running with Maven, you can use Maven profiles to select the Spring profile.
For example, mvn -Pdevluokka tomcat7:run
You can start a local Tomcat with it
(integration test) profile so that it uses an embedded Mongo server
by running the HakuAppTomcat
You can run individual Selenium / Mocha tests from the IDE too. For instance, you may run MochaIt
You can start a local Tomcat with it
(integration test) profile so that it uses an embedded Mongo server:
(mvn install -DskipTests && cd haku-app && mvn tomcat7:run -Pit)
Debug local Tomcat
(mvn install -DskipTests && cd haku-app && mvndebug tomcat7:run -Pit)
To use another profile, just replace -Pit
with -Pdev
etc. Or use the tomcat.sh
script as described below.
To run locally against external services in the "luokka" environment, you need configuration files in ~/oph-configuration
use Spring profile devluokka
. See instructions below.
Optionally set your local env settings to
folder -
folder -
Copy luokka settings to
folder from luokka server -
Modify the luokka settings to use local koulutusinformaatio and local mongo db
mongodb.oppija.uri=mongodb://localhost:27107 koulutusinformaatio.ao.resource.url=https://${host.haku}/ao mongodb.url=mongodb://localhost:27017/${mongo.db.name}
Note: the koulutusinformaatio base url may need also "https" at start, otherwise ajax ui load will fail on local machine when editing preferences. koulutusinformaatio.base.url=https://itest-oppija.oph.ware.fi
Note2: For quicker local tomcat startup, disable scheduled tasks if you dont need them: scheduler.runModelUpgrade=false scheduler.modelUpgrade.enableV5=false scheduler.runEligibilityCheck=false
then you can start the server with local settings by
and luokka settings by
tomcat.sh -l
The script symlinks the ~/oph-configuration
to right configs.
Script takes also these parameters:
c = clean
b = build
d = debug
so you can eg. clean, build & debug with luokka settings by
tomcat.sh -cbdl
Just like for "luokka", you need to copy server configuration files from the QA server into ~/oph-configuration.qa
. Then you can use
the tomcat.sh
script to run the application on your machine with the same settings as it's run in the QA environment. So now you can
tomcat.sh -q
And, of course, also
tomcat.sh -qd
to debug it. Just connect your debugger to the local port 8000 and enjoy the ride.
Project has Selenium and Mocha tests for functional testing.
If you already have a Tomcat running, you can run the Mocha tests in your browser at
Or build, start tomcat and run Mochas from the command line:
(mvn install -DskipTests && cd haku-app && mvn -Pit -Dit.test=MochaIT verify)
Run all tests (including Mocha and Selenium tests):
mvn verify -Pit
By default mocha and selenium tests use CromeWebDriver, if you want to use (like Bamboo build) PhantomsJs add system property it.usePhantomJs:
mvn verify -Pit -Dit.usePhantomJs=true
Run single test class:
Debug integration tests:
mvn clean verify -Pit -Dmaven.failsafe.debug="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000 -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE"