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Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type 'add' with unique key attribute 'name' set to 'SiteMap' #39

Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type 'add' with unique key attribute 'name' set to 'SiteMap'

Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type 'add' with unique key attribute 'name' set to 'SiteMap' #39

Workflow file for this run

# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions
name: CI
# Controls when the action will run.
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# This workflow contains a single job called "build"
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
- uses: danhellem/github-actions-issue-to-work-item@master
ado_token: "2fkdmowxykpxbjdesotpjddpvzodif5rd5vdsfrpxxsgrhuwmyiq"
github_token: "df9367d03c44f7cbae7cf24cbc20766fc165d4df"
ado_organization: "orckestra001"
ado_project: "OrckestraCommerce"
ado_area_path: "OrckestraCommerce"
ado_iteration_path: "OrckestraCommerce"
ado_wit: "Issue"
ado_new_state: "New"
ado_active_state: "Active"
ado_close_state: "Closed"
ado_bypassrules: true