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Collection Development Policy (University of Oregon)

Julia Simic edited this page May 15, 2023 · 3 revisions

University of Oregon

Oregon Digital Collection Development Policy


Oregon Digital is a cultural heritage repository for digital collections supporting the teaching and research mission of the University of Oregon. The repository hosts digital materials with a variety of access levels, ranging from campus-only to open access, with the intention of preservation in perpetuity.


Who may deposit

Deposits may be initiated or suggested by members of the UO community and deposit is mediated and completed by the Digital Scholarship Services Department in the University of Oregon Libraries.

Candidate materials for deposit

Cultural heritage works must support the teaching and research mission of the University and be the final version of a given work. These may include:

  • Digitized and born-digital materials
  • Photographs
  • Articles
  • Sheet music
  • Manuscripts
  • Ephemera
  • Audio and video files, including transcripts
  • 3d scans and object files

If you are unsure whether items are candidate materials for deposit, please contact [email protected]

Deposit considerations

  • Inventory: What is the extent of the collection? How many items?
  • Kinds of items and their condition: What kinds of materials are these? What kind of shape are they in?
  • Copyright status: Who owns the copyright to the materials?
  • Growth: Will further materials be added to this collection?
  • Funding availability
  • Eligibility of inclusion in the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)

Intellectual Property Rights

All materials must undergo a rights assessment before deposit. Each object in Oregon Digital is required to have a rights statement identifying how the item may be re-used. We also encourage fair uses of our materials whenever possible. For more information see:


Because our capacity and resources to digitize, describe, and store items are limited, we will give priority to items that support University of Oregon strategic goals of research, scholarship and teaching.

Access and Restrictions

Take-down policy

Oregon Digital's Take-Down Policy is publicly posted on the Oregon Digital site.


Beyond the right to view or interact with items in Oregon Digital, re-use rights vary. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.