Provisioning of my os x
It is using ansible to install packages and configure the environment. It will install Homebrew and install a bunch of python packages via pip.
It covers the configuration of:
- bash
- zsh
- git
- mercurial
- vim
- nano
- wget
There's a bunch of scripts in ~/bin
Sets up:
- prompt
- history
- aliases/funcs
- autocompletion
- env variables (including ls colors)
- terminal options (enable ctrl-q/s)
This is my main text editor. The playbook will not install the plugins for it yet. So they have to be installed manually. Hopefully I get to add them to it soon.
Sets up:
- keybindings
- settings
I rarely use VIM, so this configuration is mostly to make it a bit prettier and easier to use.
Sets up:
- powerline status bar
- disables a bunch of keys till I get familiar with the others
- alt+direction to go around in insert mode
- ctrl-a and ctrl-e work as expected