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@VanyaBelyaev VanyaBelyaev released this 04 Aug 09:46
· 2363 commits to master since this release


New features

  1. MakeOstap::Math::Choose a bit more efficient
  2. add Ostap::Math::choose_array to get array of binomial coefficients (compile time)
  3. add templated central moments Ostap::Math::Moment_<N>
  4. add their python decorators ostap.stats.moment
  5. add test for moment-counters
  6. add templated weighted moment counters Ostap::Math::WMoment_<N>
  7. large modificatons in Ostap::Kinematics::Dalitz
  8. fitting.basic : add intermediate mase class MASSMEAN that does not hold sigma
  9. add mean_name, mena_title , sigma_name and sigma_title for MASSMEAN and MASS base classes : it allows to remove many ugly lines with post-fix for the variable names
  10. make use of mean_name, meean_title, sigma_name, sigma_title for many PDFs
  11. Remove sigma(gamma) from Flatte_pdf
  12. extend interface for ostap.fitting.simfit.SimFit, allowinng usage of it for toys
  13. add test
  14. further extend Ostap::Math::DaltzIntegrator
  15. further extend Ostap::Kinematics::Daltz0 and Ostap::Kinematics::Daltz (add more invariants)
  16. extend Ostap::Math::ChebyshevApproximation (add scale and bias operators)
  17. add Ostap::Math::Piecewise function
  18. Improve Ostap::Math::ChebyshevApproximation
  19. further extend Ostap::Math::DaltzIntegrator
  20. extend generic functions, add generic PDFs
  21. add binnig functions to create RooBinning
  22. add ostap.fitting.morphing_pdf with two PDFs for morphing
  23. add test for new morphing PDF
  24. add possiility to use regex for compressed_shalve.ikeys method
  25. add integration over s,s2 variables in Ostap::Math::DalitzIntegrator
  26. add datetime to the logger format for non-isatty output, e.g. log-files...
  27. add Ostap::Math::KramersKronig helper class
  28. tiny tweaks for tootshelve
  29. suppress error prints from selectors.valid_formula

Backward incompatible changes

  1. rewrite Ostap::Math::DalitzIntegrator
  2. rewrite Ostap::Math::Integrator
    1.Flatte_pdf: rename arguments and attributes
  3. rename ostap.fitting.basic.Resoluton to ostap.fitting.basic.CheckMean and invert its argument
  4. total re-write of all Breit-Wigner related stuff and in particular temporarily remove all beast like LASS, Bugg, etc...
  5. fix but with parsing arguments of PDF.fitTo : fro certain number of argument the creation of RooFit::MultiArg was incorrect (thanks to Pavel Krokovny)

Bug fixes:

  1. fix missing hID in ostap/fittin/ (thanks to Alexander Berezhnoy)