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@VanyaBelyaev VanyaBelyaev released this 26 Aug 12:36
· 2332 commits to master since this release


New features

  1. add argument callable for models plotting and their conversion to TF1. It allows to draw some derived quantitites
bw = Ostap.Math.BreitWigner( ... )
bw.draw ( xmin = ... , xmax = ... ) ## draw the Breit-Wigner lineshape
bw.draw ( xmin = ... , xmax = ... , callable = lambda x : bw.amp ( x ).real ) ## draw real part of amplitude
bw.draw ( xmin = ... , xmax = ... , callable = lambda x : bw.amp ( x ).imag ) ## draw real part of amplitude
bw.draw ( xmin = ... , xmax = ... , callable = lambda x : cmath.phase ( bw.amp ( x ) ) ## draw the phase 
  1. add tiny utilities lrange and log_range (in addition to existing vrange) into ostap/utils/
for x in vrange ( 0.0 , 10.0     , 10 ) : print x  ## "lin-range"
for x in lrange ( 1.0 , 10.0**10 , 10 ) : print x  ## "log-range"
  1. add methods amp_real, amp_imag, amp_phase for the Breit-Wigner-like models
  2. add Argand plot for the Breit-Wigner-like models
bw = Ostap.Math.BreitWigner(... )
ap = bw.argand ( xmin = ... , xmax = ... , npx = 500 )
  1. add utilities for better visuzalisation of Dalitz densities
  2. more improvements for Dalitz plot vizualization
  3. more tweaks for Ostap::Math::DalitzIntegrator
  4. more tweaks for Ostap::Math::BW
  5. add bb ("bounding box") method for ROOT.TGraph-like objects.
  6. more tweaks for ROOT.RooMinimizer, in particular better control over printout
  7. add PDF.minuit: add FCN scaling for weighted dataset
  8. re-add checks for SumW2/Asymptotic checks for the PDF.fitTo for weighed datasets
  9. add new test test_fitting_minuit_weighted
  10. add two specific cases for Ostap::Math::PhaseSpaceNL

Backward incompatible changes:

Bug fixes: