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@VanyaBelyaev VanyaBelyaev released this 15 Mar 10:06
· 2160 commits to master since this release


New features

  1. Add FlattePS_pdf - similar to BWPS_pdf
  2. Make few important steps towards ROOT 6.23/01 ("New PYROOT"). Full adaptation is not yet achieved, there are some pending problems with effective inheritance from C++ classes (namely TSelector, PyPDF, PyVAR, ...). There are also some puzzling crashes...
  3. rename tests, make test selection more transparent and easy to navigate back
  4. rename ostap/fitting/ to ostap/fitting/ to avoid the name clash for python3
  5. add helper script pplaunch to launch remote pp-servers via ssh tunnels
  6. update PyVar, PyVar2, PyPdf,PyPdf2
  7. (almost) complete update for new PyROOT
  8. fix test_fitting_minuit_weighted - thanks to Dima Golubkov
  9. make more coherent treatment of ROOT issues
  10. fix minuit for new PyROOT (signature of FCN is different!)
  11. minor update for minuit : from now allow access by parameter name:
minuit        = ...
minuit['p2']  = 10 
minuit.minos   ('p1','p2',...)
minuit.release ('p3')
  1. update pptunnel + pplaunch with better and more informative output
  2. add Ostap::Math::BW3L, Ostap::Models::BW3L, BW3L_pdf and extend test ostap/fitting/tests/ - resurrected version of the Breit-Wigner profile from 3-body decays
  3. add check for more_itertools, provide replacement for chunked when more_itertools is not available
  4. update Ostap::Math::NSphere and Ostap::Math::Positive such that for null-parameters the reusltin poisitve function is a constant. The trick is based on properties of Chebyshev polynomials of 1st,. 2nd, 3rd and 4th kind.
  5. ostap.logger.table add parameter alignment that specifies the column alignment.
  6. ostap.parallel.task add parameter batch, that allows to execute the tasks in batch mode
  7. re-add generic Breit-wigner channel Ostap::Math::ChannelGeneric (for ROOT>=6.23/01 only)
  8. add method amplitude for Ostap::Math::ChannelBW
  9. re-remove generic Breit-wigner channel Ostap::Math::ChannelGeneric
  10. change the default sample argument for PDF.generate from False to True
  11. tiny fix for the table column alignment
  12. add #include <string> for NSphere.h - for certain configuration it prevents compile error (thanks to Abdul-Kerim Gusseinov)
  13. Add parameter accept_fun for toys - that allows to (re)define the accepance criteria, the default corresponds to accept_fit function from module, that checks the fit status (0) and covariance matrix status ( 3 or -1)
  14. Add parameter fit_fun for toys - that allows to (re)define the default "fit"-policy
  15. Add parameter gen_fun for toys - that allows to (re)define the default "generation"-policy
  16. : add call for ROOT.gPad.RedrawAxis - thanks to Tom Blake
  17. add **kwargs for all parallel-methods, arguments are used for WorkManager
  18. remove evaluateBatch form all PDFs (folloiimng evolution of ROOT). We need to gradually introduce evaluateSpan
  19. Ostap::Math::GammaBW3: use 1/s factor instead of 1/s^3/2. thanks to Misha Mikhasenko!
  20. Add symmetic Sinh-Asinh resolution model ResoSinhAsinh
  21. Add symmetic Jonhson's SU resolution model ResoJohnsonSU
  22. fix for the new signature of TDirectory::CurrentDirectory() method
  23. fix/rewrite/improve module
  24. improve reweighting machinery: make it more tunable (and less automatic) and more suitable for multidimensional reweighting.
  25. Add new context manager SETPARS and use it in PDF.wilks , PDF.wilks2 , PDF.draw_nll, PDF.graph_nll, PDF.graph_profile
  26. Add logistic/"sech-squared" resolution model ResoLogistic
  27. Improve PDG.graph_profile/PDF.graph_nll : add draw argument to draw the graph in progress
  28. Better (but not perfect yet) treatment/assignement of the unique names for many intermediate objects

Backward incompatible changes:

  1. Reweighting machinery: different signature of makeWeights function - new argument make_plots, different meaning of argument power, different return value

Bug fixes:

  1. fix bugs in Ostap::Math::BWPS