This is my implementation of SSIM_Loss using tensorflow. I modify the existed code here to handle image batches. I also refer to the pytorch version and other meterials.
Tensorflow (tested with 1.2.1)
Scikit-image (only for test)
Copy "" in your project, then
from import SSIM
loss_ssim = SSIM(k1=.., k2=.., window_size=..)
loss = loss_ssim.ssim_loss(image1, image2)
Please refer to the "" for more details. You can just run it with python
- I modify the existed tensorflow version to handl image batches case. Especially, I use tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d to perform the same conv operations as in pytorch version, which use grouped conv2d.
- I introduce the skimage.measure.compare_ssim to valid my code. I find that different padding strategies will influence the final results. In this version, I use "VALID", and the result is 0.6357603 compared with 0.634312 obtained from skimage. If using "SAME", the result is about 0.6567436. However, I only valid the code on provided two images. Anyway, I think it can be used as a stable loss function.
- Extend the code to MM-SSIM
- Please let me known if there exists any problems.