- alpha-rebrew : Othello with AlphaZero algorithm
- notesketch : markdown note application
- othello-py : othello game using CNN machine learning model
- log-builder : easy log builder
- markdown-parser-dart : simple markdown parser ( using original extended syntax )
- determinant-calculation : determinant calculation functions
- monaka-editor : base text area to create a highlighted text editor
- wavier-keys : original keyboard firmware witten in rust & keyboard pcb
- keyboard-firmware-l432kc : keyboard firmware ( target : Nucleo32 L432KC ) that can type "buri".
- devtheme-posh : oh-my-posh theme for developers
- dotfiles : neovim (lazy or packer) & wezterm config
- sudoku : sudoku resolver
- bocchi : bocchi the rock command
- I'm focusing on developing the machine learning model in some projects.
- I want to develop a machine learning model with rust & candle.