press run to play ( ⌘ + r ) press stop to stop ( ⌘ + s )
print "hello"
puts "hello"
##| comment
##| play C
play 60
##| wait 1 sec
sleep 1
##| This is also play C
play :C
use_synth :saw
play 60
sleep 1
use_synth :prophet
play 60
sleep 1
use_synth :tb303
play 60
sleep 1
use_synth :dsaw
play 60
sleep 1
use_synth :prophet
play 60
sleep 1
Find your favorites from the list.
sample :ambi_lunar_land
Choose the type of samples from left and press the play buttons on the right.
ADSR in Sonic Pi
play 60, attack: 0.1, attack_level: 1, decay: 0.2, sustain_level: 0.4, sustain: 1, release: 0.5
live_loop :beat do
##| choose sample
sample :loop_tabla
##| choose synth
use_synth :prophet
##| play synth with volume and random cutoff filter
play :e1, release: 8, cutoff: rrand(70, 130), amp: 0.1
##| sleep duration of sample
sleep sample_duration :loop_tabla
live_loop :playp do
##| make sure OSC prameter is in array
key = (sync "/osc*/play_sound")[0]
##| play synth with amplifiy and release option
play key, amp: 0.3, release: 2
##| play once in twice randomly
play key+3, amp: 0.3, release: 2 if one_in(2)
##| play once in three times randomly
play key+7, amp: 0.3, release: 2 if one_in(3)
##| play once in four times randomly
play key+10, amp: 0.3, release: 2 if one_in(4)
Use Set / Get for thread safe
set :interval,1
live_loop :playp do
set :interval, (sync "/osc*/sensor")[0]
live_loop :getter do
sample :elec_ping
interval = get[:interval]
if interval < 0.1
interval = 0.1
sleep interval