Releases: PBGUX/pb-design-system
Releases · PBGUX/pb-design-system
v16.0.0 - Angular 16.2 / Boostrap 5.2- May 17,2024
Breaking Changes
- Removed all old Bootstrap 4 classes, be sure to replace all Bootstrap 4 classes in your application, refer to the migration guide on the Design System version 7.0.0 below and the Bootstrap 5.2 migration guide
- Removed .label-allcaps class, replace with .form-label
- Removed .link-icon class, replace with me-2
- Removed button spacing css which added margin to the left of a series of buttons. This was problematic with button groups, paging buttons, etc. Per the Bootstrap documentation, use display flex with a gap class, such as on the element wrapping a group of buttons. Note that modal footers have this spacing applied by default. See the modal demos for an example.
- Links are underlined by default for accessibility, the .a11y-accessible class to add an underline is removed, use the Bootstrap .text-decoration-none class to remove the underline on a link if needed.
- Removed unused mapping point-of-interst (poi) icons and font
- Removed unused canvas objects css
- Accordions changed to use directives instead of components, see the ng-bootstrap documentation for details
- p-table should use the tableStyleClass="table" input for proper table styling. Additional Bootstrap classes can be applied for hover, stripe, etc. The p-table css is deprecated and will be removed in the next version, see the tables page for examples.
- p-table sort icons are styled in the css, the ... can be removed.
7.1.2 - April 25, 2024
- Updated focus indicator style as per accessibility guidelines for components -
- Input Fields
- Dropdowns and Menus
- Tabs
- Accordions
- Buttons
- Radio Buttons
- Checkboxes
- Links
- Updated border-color (sass variable
) for input fields and dropdowns to meet the color contrast ratio as per
accessibility guidelines - New content in Globalisation section
- Updated Links Component to use Bootstrap 5 class for text decoration
7.0.8 - February 2, 2024
- Added Multiple Datepicker component in Date and Timepickers
- Added new content to Globalization section - Process and Guidelines
- Fixed Theme Switcher Demo issue with dark themes and updated code snippet
- Fixed pbi-icon-mini issues
- Updated Links Component with accessibility guideline and Text Link with Underline component
- Added disabled style for ng-select dropdown
- File Upload component spacing and border-radius fix
- Input field with chips border issue fix
- Starter app angular version updated to 15.2.10
- Added form-label class from Bootstrap 5
- Updated documentation for Rich text editor dependencies
September 22, 2023
- New Mini Icons -
- Fixed Date Range Picker with Presets scrolling issue
- Updated NG-Bootstrap to version 14.2.0
- Fixed Infinite Scrolling Table toolbar
- Fixed Faceted Search Table token remove icon
- Fixed Line chart tooltip display issue with single data point
August 25,2023
- New Empty State for Charts
- Fixed sort icon for Table with Filter
- Fixed Header Menu and item active state styling
- Added latest VPAT
August 2, 2023
- New Outline Icons -
- Fixed alignment for row action menu and row action buttons headers
- Change in comment for Column Toggle
- Fixed table - small variation
- Added latest Accessibility Compliance Score and Report
June 30, 2023
v7.0.2 commit 28/6
May 30, 2023
v7.0.1 7.0.1 release