Releases: PCMDI/pcmdi_metrics
Releases · PCMDI/pcmdi_metrics
What's Changed
- Landmask demo by @lee1043 in #1233
- Update development team member list by @lee1043 in #1238
- Update by @lee1043 in #1243
- SW review preparation by @lee1043 in #1242
- Sample setup files for E3SM zppy workflow by @lee1043 in #1240
- Create Database API by @kristinchang3 in #1246
- ENSO portrait plot by @lee1043 in #1245
- Add cmec settings file for extremes by @acordonez in #1249
- Add 2025 NCA5 shapefiles by @acordonez in #1244
- Update index.rst by @lee1043 in #1250
- Add parallel execution scripts for sea ice by @acordonez in #1099
- obs4mips catalogue generation by @lee1043 in #1248
- Update CMIP5 Historical data version number in by @kristinchang3 in #1251
- Add Fig 8 metrics to sea ice package by @acordonez in #1168
- Adding parameter to database API by @kristinchang3 in #1255
- Remove dimensions key from CMEC JSON by @acordonez in #1257
- Replace NaN with None in CMEC JSON by @acordonez in #1259
- Decision relevant metrics by @acordonez in #1131
- obs4mip clims for PMP mean clim by @lee1043 in #1260
- clean up clim ref data download link by @lee1043 in #1261
- Mean clim demo info update by @lee1043 in #1262
- demo 1b patch by @lee1043 in #1263
- improve title by @lee1043 in #1264
- Option to turn off conda use in the code by @lee1043 in #1266
- New version release preparation for v3.9 by @lee1043 in #1267
Full Changelog: v3.8.2...v3.9
Technical update
What's Changed
- Update citation info by @lee1043 in #1207
- Update by @lee1043 in #1210
- Update by @lee1043 in #1211
- MoV code clean up by @lee1043 in #1209
- Add sftof file option to sea ice by @acordonez in #1109
- initial commit: change raise error to print warning by @lee1043 in #1214
- Demo notebook clean up by @lee1043 in #1218
- New MoV plot: multi panel plot by @lee1043 in #1215
- Allow more flexibility in ensemble member detection for MoV by @lee1043 in #1219
- Update xcdat_open() by @acordonez in #1212
- Monsoon wang fig update by @lee1043 in #1208
- bug fix by @lee1043 in #1221
- Update by @lee1043 in #1222
- Disable dask chunk for MoV by @lee1043 in #1223
- Change xcdat_open default by @acordonez in #1224
Full Changelog: v3.8...v3.8.1
- New capabilities (figure generation for ENSO, xCDAT migration completed for Monsoon Wang with figure generation)
- Major dependency version update (numpy >= 2.0)
What's Changed
- clean up notebook by @lee1043 in #1196
- Update build_workflow.yml by @lee1043 in #1197
- Monsoon Wang xcdat migration by @lee1043 in #1200
- Numpy version update by @lee1043 in #1164
- Monsoon Wang plots on the fly by @lee1043 in #1202
- Prepare new version release for v3.8 by @lee1043 in #1201
- xCDAT migration by @lee1043 in #1204
- ENSO on-the-fly plots by @lee1043 in #1199
- Update by @lee1043 in #1205
- v3.8 release preparation by @lee1043 in #1206
Full Changelog: v3.7.2...v3.8
Technical update and documentation improvement
What's Changed
- version handling in one place by @lee1043 in #1181
- improve notebook appearance in html by @lee1043 in #1184
- update title, add video caption by @lee1043 in #1185
- Update to automatically refresh badges by @lee1043 in #1186
- Update by @lee1043 in #1187
- doc clean up and addition by @lee1043 in #1188
- run ci regardless PR in draft or ready by @lee1043 in #1189
- Clean up doc by @lee1043 in #1190
Full Changelog: v3.7...v3.7.1
- New capability: on-the-fly diagnostic figure generations for mean climate
- Technical improvements and bug fixes
What's Changed
- Improve docstring by @lee1043 in #1150
- Update by @lee1043 in #1151
- Bug/1152 pi control multifile lee1043 by @lee1043 in #1153
- doc typo fix by @lee1043 in #1157
- Propose a change for floating number format for mean climate metrics … by @zhangshixuan1987 in #1139
- Additional clean up by @lee1043 in #1156
- README update by @lee1043 in #1158
- xcdat version update by @lee1043 in #1155
- Turn off github action for draft PRs by @lee1043 in #1160
- On-the-fly mean clim plot generation by @lee1043 in #1162
- mean clim patch for on-the-fly figure generations by @lee1043 in #1166
- Minor patch for mean clim on-the-fly plots by @lee1043 in #1167
- Enable direct display of demo notebooks from PMP web doc by @lee1043 in #1173
- add configuration for linguist by @lee1043 in #1175
- Update .gitattributes by @lee1043 in #1176
- update by @lee1043 in #1177
- Update .gitattributes by @lee1043 in #1178
- Update by @lee1043 in #1180
- API reference update by @lee1043 in #1170
- Prepare v3.7 release by @lee1043 in #1179
- Fix bug in Demo 8 by @acordonez in #1171
Full Changelog: v3.6.1...v3.7
Technical update: QC functions and documentation
What's Changed
- Update .readthedocs.yaml by @lee1043 in #1140
- Update and rename utils.rst to api.rst by @lee1043 in #1142
- Documentation API description by @lee1043 in #1141
- clean up API doc page by @lee1043 in #1143
- Allow instant build and deploy of the website by @lee1043 in #1144
- add version info for API list in docs by @lee1043 in #1145
- api.rst typo tweaks by @durack1 in #1147
- improve docstrings for APIs by @lee1043 in #1148
- Improve doc and enable more functions in API doc by @lee1043 in #1149
Full Changelog: v3.6...v3.6.1
- New capability: Regional capabilities for precip variability by @acordonez
- Technical Updates in mean climate and modes of variability by @zhangshixuan1987 and @lee1043
What's Changed
- Update calendar by @acordonez in #963
- Join branches for precip variability by @acordonez in #1065
- Bug fix for the mean_climate and varibility_mode drivers by @zhangshixuan1987 in #1132
- bug fix for wildcard use in multiple file open by @lee1043 in #1129
- docs: add kristinchang3 as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #1136
- docs: add zhangshixuan1987 as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #1135
- Remove forced unit conversion in by @zhangshixuan1987 in #1137
- Bug fix in module for regional mean by @zhangshixuan1987 in #1133
- Regional capabilities for precip variability by @acordonez in #980
Full Changelog: v3.5.2...v3.6
Technical update, QC tool addition, and additional higher EOF modes for modes of variability metrics (PSA1, PSA2) suggested by @zhangshixuan1987
What's Changed
- correlation output to 3 digits under decimal point by @lee1043 in #1121
- QC tools by @lee1043 in #1123
- Update dev.yml by @lee1043 in #1124
- QC tool improve by @lee1043 in #1125
- Code changes to implement PSA1 and PSA2 mode varibility analysis by @zhangshixuan1987 in #1112
New Contributors
- @zhangshixuan1987 made their first contribution in #1112
Full Changelog: v3.5.1...v3.5.2