Version 0.5.0
This release marked the implementation of two news readers : PowerPoint2007 & ODPresentation. But the main change is that PhpOffice\PhpPowerpoint becomes PhpOffice\PhpPresentation.
- PowerPoint2007 Reader : Initial Commit - @Progi1984 GH-44
- ODPresentation Reader : Initial Commit - @Progi1984 GH-113
- Fixed the sample in - @Progi1984 GH-114
- PhpOffice\PhpPowerpoint becomes PhpOffice\PhpPresentation - @Progi1984 GH-25
- PhpOffice\PhpPowerpoint\Style\Font::setStriketrough has been removed : Use setStrikethrough - @Progi1984
- PhpOffice\PhpPowerpoint\AbstractShape::getSlide has been removed - @Progi1984
- PhpOffice\PhpPowerpoint\AbstractShape::setSlide has been removed - @Progi1984
- PhpOffice\PhpPowerpoint\DocumentLayout::getLayoutXmilli has been removed : getCX(DocumentLayout::UNIT_MILLIMETER) - @Progi1984
- PhpOffice\PhpPowerpoint\DocumentLayout::getLayoutYmilli has been removed : getCY(DocumentLayout::UNIT_MILLIMETER) - @Progi1984
- PhpOffice\PhpPowerpoint\DocumentLayout::setLayoutXmilli has been removed : setCX(DocumentLayout::UNIT_MILLIMETER) - @Progi1984
- PhpOffice\PhpPowerpoint\DocumentLayout::setLayoutYmilli has been removed : setCY(DocumentLayout::UNIT_MILLIMETER) - @Progi1984
- Update the dependence PhpOffice\Common to 0.2.* - @Progi1984
- Migrated Travis CI to legacy - @Progi1984 GH-115