Stylesheet to Display Servers in a list view.
Menu expands when hovering over the regular sidebar.
OpenASAR - Discord CSS Injector
Or any other CSS Injector such as BetterDiscord
Add the following to your CSS Config:
@import url(;
Click to View all the variables you can adjust in your CSS Config
Sidebar Width
:root {
// Width of the sidebar when Expanded
--gac-expanded-width: 220px;
// Width of the sidebar when Collapsed
--gac-collapse-width: 72px;
Other Settings
:root {
// Height of each server in the sidebar
--gac-server-height: 48px;
// Size of padding (white space)
// Also used as a multiplier for larger/smaller padding sizes
--gac-padding: 8px;
// How rounded the corners of servers/folders are
--gac-border-radius: 8px;
:root {
// Timing function for sidebar collapse/expand animation
--gac-transition-timing-func: ease-in-out;
// Duration that animation for sidebar collapse/expand takes
--gac-transition-duration: 0.2s;
// Delay before sidebar collapses after you stop hovering
--gac-transition-delay: 0.65s;
By default, they inherit from your Discord Theme.
:root {
// Background of servers/folders
--gac-box-color: var(--background-secondary);
// Background of servers/folders (when hovering)
--gac-hover-color: var(--background-modifier-selected);
// Color of text (eg: server name)
--gac-text-color: var(--channels-default);
// Color of text when hovering
--gac-text-hover-color: var(--interactive-active);
// Background for the header of an expanded folder
--gac-hover-color-overlay: var(--background-modifier-hover);
// Background for selected server (the one you are currently in)
--gac-accent-color: var(--bg-brand);
// Background while hovering for selected server (the one you are currently in)
--gac-accent-hover: var(--brand-430);