Paper reading group of the TANGENT Lab @ Peking University
Our reading group currently covers the following topics :
- General Deep Learning
- Text Summarization
- Machine Reading Comprehension
- Question Generation
- Discourse Structure
- Graph Representation
- Semantic Parsing
- Information Extraction
We categorize all the papers that we read into several topics. You can navigate to the subfolder of each topic by clicking the corresponding link listed above.
file in each subfolder contains the paper list for this topic. By default, Github will display this
file if you open this subfolder in the browser. Besides the papers presented in our seminar, we also maintain a pool of interesting papers for reference.
We hope that, by following our reading group, beginners in this field will save their time for searching related work, and veterans can also track the research progress conveniently.
- Everyone interested in our reading topics are welcome to join our seminar and discuss the papers with us.
- Our group members are able to create new topic categories, add papers to each topic and upload supplementary materials. How?
- Contact
for other questions.