DVSStream allows for processing (real-time) DVS data from an event-based DVS camera. At the current stage, DVSStream can be used for the following two purposes:
Polarity events from a DVS camera (that is connected via USB) are encoded and sent over ethernet to the SpiNNaker SPIF board, where they are processed further.
Polarity events from a DVS camera (that is connected via USB) are transformed to a sparse tensor format for further usage. This setting exports to Python, i.e. a data generator can be constructed in Python which allows for iterating over (real-time) polarity events in sparse tensor format.
DVSStream requires libcaer and libtorch.
To build the binaries of this repository, run the following code:
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=`absolute path to libtorch/`
mkdir build/
cd build/
cmake -GNinja ..
The Python bindings require that you have installed a version of pytorch, and lz4. One way of ensuring these requirements is by installing them as conda packages:
conda install pytorch
conda install lz4
In order to build and install the python bindings run:
cd src
python setup.py install --record setup_files.txt
this assumes that you have pytorch >= 1.5.1 installed. In case of any complications, the module can be easily removed running the following command:
xargs rm -rf < setup_files.txt
To obtain a list of all DVS cameras connected to the current device run the following code (taken from libcaer):
gcc -std=c11 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -O2 -o device_discovery device_discovery.c -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE=1 -lcaer
DVSStream can be used to stream DVS camera data via ethernet using UDP. The server can be specified by the port number and IP-Address. To run the script use:
src/stream2ethernet <max. packet size> <number of packets to send> (Optional: <camera type> <USB id> <device Address> <port> <IP Address>)
As you might notice, the script requires 2 command line arguments uint32_t <max. packet size>
and uint32_t <number of packets to send>
where the first argument specifies the maximum number of events in one packet processed by libcaer and the latter the number of packets to be sent. In addition, there are 4 optional arguments that can be provided. The argument *char <camera type>
specifies the type of the camera that is about to be used. Default is camera type = davis
that can be used for the Davis 346x260. To use the DVXplorer 640x480 specify camera type = dvx
. The argument int <USB id>
serves as a unique USB port identifier. Similarly, the argument int <device Address>
identifies the device address. Default is USB id = 1
. The arguments int <port>
and *char <IP Address>
specify the port number and IP-Address of the server. Defaults are port = 3333
and IP Address = NULL
. An IP-Address of NULL
represents the address of the host computer.
DVSStream can be used to translate polarity events from a DVS camera into sparse tensor format. To do so, run the script:
src/stream2tensor <max. packet time in μs> <buffer size> <number of packets to process>
where <max. packet time in μs>
is the maximum time length of a packet processed by libcaer in mikroseconds. <buffer size>
spcifies the size of the internal ring buffer that stores DVS packets if they are not processed fast enough. Note that this number as to be a multiple of 2 (e.g. 512). The last argument <number of packets to process>
specifies the number of packets to be translated to sparse tensors.
It is possible to create a python generator that allows to iteratively obtain polarity events in sparse tensor format from the DVS camera. An example of such a generator can be in DVSGenerator.py.
To run this script use:
python export2python/DVSGenerator.py --packet_size <max. packet time in μs> --buffer <buffer size> --events <number of packets to process>
where the arguments match the above descriped arguments.