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simplify extccomp.nim json logic via jsonutils; fix nim-lang#18084 (n…
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* simplify extccomp.nim json logic via jsonutils
* fix nim-lang#18084
* simplify further
* workaround for bootstrap that can be removed after updating csources_v1 >= 1.2
  • Loading branch information
timotheecour authored and PMunch committed Mar 28, 2022
1 parent 14f5acc commit 54a5166
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Showing 4 changed files with 99 additions and 190 deletions.
256 changes: 76 additions & 180 deletions compiler/extccomp.nim
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Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@

import ropes, platform, condsyms, options, msgs, lineinfos, pathutils

import os, strutils, osproc, std/sha1, streams, sequtils, times, strtabs, json
import std/[os, strutils, osproc, sha1, streams, sequtils, times, strtabs, json, jsonutils, sugar]

TInfoCCProp* = enum # properties of the C compiler:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -942,195 +942,91 @@ proc jsonBuildInstructionsFile*(conf: ConfigRef): AbsoluteFile =
# works out of the box with `hashMainCompilationParams`.
result = getNimcacheDir(conf) / conf.outFile.changeFileExt("json")

const cacheVersion = "D20210525T193831" # update when `BuildCache` spec changes
type BuildCache = object
cacheVersion: string
outputFile: string
compile: seq[(string, string)]
link: seq[string]
linkcmd: string
extraCmds: seq[string]
configFiles: seq[string] # the hash shouldn't be needed
stdinInput: bool
projectIsCmd: bool
cmdInput: string
currentDir: string
cmdline: string
depfiles: seq[(string, string)]
nimexe: string

proc writeJsonBuildInstructions*(conf: ConfigRef) =
# xxx use std/json instead, will result in simpler, more maintainable code.
template lit(x: string) = f.write x
template str(x: string) =
buf.setLen 0
escapeJson(x, buf)
f.write buf

proc cfiles(conf: ConfigRef; f: File; buf: var string; clist: CfileList, isExternal: bool) =
var comma = false
for i, it in clist:
if CfileFlag.Cached in it.flags: continue
let compileCmd = getCompileCFileCmd(conf, it)
if comma: lit ",\L" else: comma = true
lit "["
str it.cname.string
lit ", "
str compileCmd
lit "]"

proc linkfiles(conf: ConfigRef; f: File; buf, objfiles: var string; clist: CfileList;
llist: seq[string]) =
var pastStart = false
template impl(path) =
let path2 = quoteShell(path)
objfiles.add(' ')
if pastStart: lit ",\L"
str path2
pastStart = true
for it in llist:
let objfile = if noAbsolutePaths(conf): it.extractFilename else: it
impl(addFileExt(objfile, CC[conf.cCompiler].objExt))
for it in clist:
lit "\L"

proc depfiles(conf: ConfigRef; f: File; buf: var string) =
var i = 0
for it in conf.m.fileInfos:
var linkFiles = collect(for it in conf.externalToLink:
var it = it
if conf.noAbsolutePaths: it = it.extractFilename
for it in conf.toCompile: linkFiles.add it.obj.string
var bcache = BuildCache(
cacheVersion: cacheVersion,
outputFile: conf.absOutFile.string,
compile: collect(for i, it in conf.toCompile:
if CfileFlag.Cached notin it.flags: (it.cname.string, getCompileCFileCmd(conf, it))),
link: linkFiles,
linkcmd: getLinkCmd(conf, conf.absOutFile, linkFiles.quoteShellCommand),
extraCmds: getExtraCmds(conf, conf.absOutFile),
stdinInput: conf.projectIsStdin,
projectIsCmd: conf.projectIsCmd,
cmdInput: conf.cmdInput,
configFiles: conf.configFiles.mapIt(it.string),
currentDir: getCurrentDir())
if optRun in conf.globalOptions or isDefined(conf, "nimBetterRun"):
bcache.cmdline = conf.commandLine
bcache.depfiles = collect(for it in conf.m.fileInfos:
let path = it.fullPath.string
if isAbsolute(path): # TODO: else?
if i > 0: lit "],\L"
lit "["
str path
lit ", "
str $secureHashFile(path)
inc i
lit "]\L"

var buf = newStringOfCap(50)
let jsonFile = conf.jsonBuildInstructionsFile
conf.jsonBuildFile = jsonFile
let output = conf.absOutFile

var f: File
if open(f, jsonFile.string, fmWrite):
lit "{\L"
lit "\"outputFile\": "
str $output

lit ",\L\"compile\":[\L"
cfiles(conf, f, buf, conf.toCompile, false)
lit "],\L\"link\":[\L"
var objfiles = ""
# XXX add every file here that is to link
linkfiles(conf, f, buf, objfiles, conf.toCompile, conf.externalToLink)

lit "],\L\"linkcmd\": "
str getLinkCmd(conf, output, objfiles)

lit ",\L\"extraCmds\": "
lit $(%* getExtraCmds(conf, conf.absOutFile))

lit ",\L\"stdinInput\": "
lit $(%* conf.projectIsStdin)
lit ",\L\"projectIsCmd\": "
lit $(%* conf.projectIsCmd)
lit ",\L\"cmdInput\": "
lit $(%* conf.cmdInput)
lit ",\L\"currentDir\": "
lit $(%* getCurrentDir())

if optRun in conf.globalOptions or isDefined(conf, "nimBetterRun"):
lit ",\L\"cmdline\": "
str conf.commandLine
lit ",\L\"depfiles\":[\L"
depfiles(conf, f, buf)
lit "],\L\"nimexe\": \L"
str hashNimExe()
lit "\L"

lit "\L}\L"
(path, $secureHashFile(path)))
bcache.nimexe = hashNimExe()
conf.jsonBuildFile = conf.jsonBuildInstructionsFile

proc changeDetectedViaJsonBuildInstructions*(conf: ConfigRef; jsonFile: AbsoluteFile): bool =
if not fileExists(jsonFile): return true
if not fileExists(conf.absOutFile): return true
result = false
let data = json.parseFile(jsonFile.string)
for key in "depfiles cmdline stdinInput currentDir".split:
if not data.hasKey(key): return true
if getCurrentDir() != data["currentDir"].getStr:
# fixes bug #16271
# Note that simply comparing `expandFilename(projectFile)` would
# not be sufficient in case other flags depend implicitly on `getCurrentDir`,
# and would require much more care. Simply re-compiling is safer for now.
# A better strategy for future work would be to cache (with an LRU cache)
# the N most recent unique build instructions, as done with `rdmd`,
# which is both robust and avoids recompilation when switching back and forth
# between projects, see
return true
let oldCmdLine = data["cmdline"].getStr
if conf.commandLine != oldCmdLine:
return true
if hashNimExe() != data["nimexe"].getStr:
return true
let stdinInput = data["stdinInput"].getBool
let projectIsCmd = data["projectIsCmd"].getBool
if conf.projectIsStdin or stdinInput:
# could optimize by returning false if stdin input was the same,
# but I'm not sure how to get full stding input
return true

if conf.projectIsCmd or projectIsCmd:
if not (conf.projectIsCmd and projectIsCmd): return true
if not data.hasKey("cmdInput"): return true
let cmdInput = data["cmdInput"].getStr
if cmdInput != conf.cmdInput: return true

let depfilesPairs = data["depfiles"]
doAssert depfilesPairs.kind == JArray
for p in depfilesPairs:
doAssert p.kind == JArray
# >= 2 for forwards compatibility with potential later .json files:
doAssert p.len >= 2
let depFilename = p[0].getStr
let oldHashValue = p[1].getStr
let newHashValue = $secureHashFile(depFilename)
if oldHashValue != newHashValue:
return true
if not fileExists(jsonFile) or not fileExists(conf.absOutFile): return true
var bcache: BuildCache
try: bcache.fromJson(jsonFile.string.parseFile)
except IOError, OSError, ValueError:
echo "Warning: JSON processing failed: ", getCurrentExceptionMsg()
result = true
stderr.write "Warning: JSON processing failed for $#: $#\n" % [jsonFile.string, getCurrentExceptionMsg()]
return true
if bcache.currentDir != getCurrentDir() or # fixes bug #16271
bcache.configFiles != conf.configFiles.mapIt(it.string) or
bcache.cacheVersion != cacheVersion or bcache.outputFile != conf.absOutFile.string or
bcache.cmdline != conf.commandLine or bcache.nimexe != hashNimExe() or
bcache.projectIsCmd != conf.projectIsCmd or conf.cmdInput != bcache.cmdInput: return true
if bcache.stdinInput or conf.projectIsStdin: return true
# xxx optimize by returning false if stdin input was the same
for (file, hash) in bcache.depfiles:
if $secureHashFile(file) != hash: return true

proc runJsonBuildInstructions*(conf: ConfigRef; jsonFile: AbsoluteFile) =
let data = json.parseFile(jsonFile.string)
let output = data["outputFile"].getStr
createDir output.parentDir
let outputCurrent = $conf.absOutFile
if output != outputCurrent:
# previously, any specified output file would be silently ignored;
# simply copying won't work in some cases, for example with `extraCmds`,
# so we just make it an error, user should use same command for jsonscript
# as was used with --compileOnly.
globalError(conf, gCmdLineInfo, "jsonscript command outputFile '$1' must match '$2' which was specified during --compileOnly, see \"outputFile\" entry in '$3' " % [outputCurrent, output, jsonFile.string])

let toCompile = data["compile"]
doAssert toCompile.kind == JArray
var cmds: TStringSeq
var prettyCmds: TStringSeq
let prettyCb = proc (idx: int) = writePrettyCmdsStderr(prettyCmds[idx])
for c in toCompile:
doAssert c.kind == JArray
doAssert c.len >= 2

prettyCmds.add displayProgressCC(conf, c[0].getStr, c[1].getStr)

execCmdsInParallel(conf, cmds, prettyCb)

let linkCmd = data["linkcmd"]
doAssert linkCmd.kind == JString
execLinkCmd(conf, linkCmd.getStr)
if data.hasKey("extraCmds"):
let extraCmds = data["extraCmds"]
doAssert extraCmds.kind == JArray
for cmd in extraCmds:
doAssert cmd.kind == JString, $cmd.kind
let cmd2 = cmd.getStr
execExternalProgram(conf, cmd2, hintExecuting)

var bcache: BuildCache
try: bcache.fromJson(jsonFile.string.parseFile)
let e = getCurrentException()
conf.quitOrRaise "\ncaught exception:\n" & e.msg & "\nstacktrace:\n" & e.getStackTrace() &
"error evaluating JSON file: " & jsonFile.string
conf.quitOrRaise "\ncaught exception:\n$#\nstacktrace:\n$#error evaluating JSON file: $#" %
[e.msg, e.getStackTrace(), jsonFile.string]
let output = bcache.outputFile
createDir output.parentDir
let outputCurrent = $conf.absOutFile
if output != outputCurrent or bcache.cacheVersion != cacheVersion:
globalError(conf, gCmdLineInfo,
"jsonscript command outputFile '$1' must match '$2' which was specified during --compileOnly, see \"outputFile\" entry in '$3' " %
[outputCurrent, output, jsonFile.string])
var cmds, prettyCmds: TStringSeq
let prettyCb = proc (idx: int) = writePrettyCmdsStderr(prettyCmds[idx])
for (name, cmd) in bcache.compile:
cmds.add cmd
prettyCmds.add displayProgressCC(conf, name, cmd)
execCmdsInParallel(conf, cmds, prettyCb)
execLinkCmd(conf, bcache.linkcmd)
for cmd in bcache.extraCmds: execExternalProgram(conf, cmd, hintExecuting)

proc genMappingFiles(conf: ConfigRef; list: CfileList): Rope =
for it in list:
Expand Down
11 changes: 4 additions & 7 deletions compiler/nimconf.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -240,13 +240,10 @@ proc getSystemConfigPath*(conf: ConfigRef; filename: RelativeFile): AbsoluteFile

proc loadConfigs*(cfg: RelativeFile; cache: IdentCache; conf: ConfigRef; idgen: IdGenerator) =

var configFiles = newSeq[AbsoluteFile]()

template readConfigFile(path) =
let configPath = path
if readConfigFile(configPath, cache, conf):

template runNimScriptIfExists(path: AbsoluteFile, isMain = false) =
let p = path # eval once
Expand All @@ -256,7 +253,7 @@ proc loadConfigs*(cfg: RelativeFile; cache: IdentCache; conf: ConfigRef; idgen:
elif conf.projectIsCmd: s = llStreamOpen(conf.cmdInput)
if s == nil and fileExists(p): s = llStreamOpen(p, fmRead)
if s != nil:
runNimScript(cache, p, idgen, freshDefines = false, conf, s)

if optSkipSystemConfigFile notin conf.globalOptions:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -295,12 +292,12 @@ proc loadConfigs*(cfg: RelativeFile; cache: IdentCache; conf: ConfigRef; idgen:
let scriptFile = conf.projectFull.changeFileExt("nims")
let scriptIsProj = scriptFile == conf.projectFull
template showHintConf =
for filename in configFiles:
for filename in conf.configFiles:
# delayed to here so that `hintConf` is honored
rawMessage(conf, hintConf, filename.string)
if conf.cmd == cmdNimscript:
configFiles.setLen 0
conf.configFiles.setLen 0
if conf.cmd != cmdIdeTools:
if conf.cmd == cmdNimscript:
runNimScriptIfExists(conf.projectFull, isMain = true)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions compiler/options.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ type
## should be run
ideCmd*: IdeCmd
oldNewlines*: bool
cCompiler*: TSystemCC
cCompiler*: TSystemCC # the used compiler
modifiedyNotes*: TNoteKinds # notes that have been set/unset from either cmdline/configs
cmdlineNotes*: TNoteKinds # notes that have been set/unset from cmdline
foreignPackageNotes*: TNoteKinds
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ type
docRoot*: string ## see nim --fullhelp for --docRoot
docCmd*: string ## see nim --fullhelp for --docCmd

# the used compiler
configFiles*: seq[AbsoluteFile] # config files (cfg,nims)
cIncludes*: seq[AbsoluteDir] # directories to search for included files
cLibs*: seq[AbsoluteDir] # directories to search for lib files
cLinkedLibs*: seq[string] # libraries to link
Expand Down
18 changes: 17 additions & 1 deletion lib/std/jsonutils.nim
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Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,23 @@ import macros
from enumutils import symbolName
from typetraits import OrdinalEnum

when not defined(nimFixedForwardGeneric):
# xxx remove pending csources_v1 update >= 1.2.0
proc to[T](node: JsonNode, t: typedesc[T]): T =
when T is string: node.getStr
elif T is bool: node.getBool
else: static: doAssert false, $T # support as needed (only needed during bootstrap)
proc isNamedTuple(T: typedesc): bool = # old implementation
when T isnot tuple: result = false
var t: T
for name, _ in t.fieldPairs:
when name == "Field0": return compiles(t.Field0)
else: return true
return false
proc isNamedTuple(T: typedesc): bool {.magic: "TypeTrait".}

Joptions* = object # xxx rename FromJsonOptions
## Options controlling the behavior of `fromJson`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,7 +78,6 @@ proc initToJsonOptions*(): ToJsonOptions =
## initializes `ToJsonOptions` with sane options.
ToJsonOptions(enumMode: joptEnumOrd, jsonNodeMode: joptJsonNodeAsRef)

proc isNamedTuple(T: typedesc): bool {.magic: "TypeTrait".}
proc distinctBase(T: typedesc): typedesc {.magic: "TypeTrait".}
template distinctBase[T](a: T): untyped = distinctBase(typeof(a))(a)

Expand Down

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